Prozak Soup feat. Joan Palomares - Intro - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Prozak Soup feat. Joan Palomares - Intro

Et nuguen
And now
Et conten un dolç conte a l'orella
I'll tell you a sweet story in your ear
I tot dependrà si eres mascle o femella
And it will all depend if you're male or female
Si de Marroc o de Suècia
If from Morocco or Sweden
Si de palau o cabanya
If from a palace or a cabin
Que esta vida no es sana
Because this life is not healthy
De pressa
Que la lletra no es paga sola
Because the letter is not paid alone
L'excusa es bona, per què?
The excuse is good, why?
Volíeu enganyar al solde migdia
You wanted to cheat in broad daylight
Menjaràs porqueria
You will eat garbage
La pastilla ho cura tot
The pill cures everything
Pitjor cada dia
Worse every day
I et pegaràs la bacà
And you'll get hammered
Ens volen fer creure que el foc no fa flames
They want us to believe that fire does not make flames
I que un au no ales, no (Hahaha, tshhh)
And that a bird has no wings, no (Hahaha, tshhh)
No em tires sal en el tall del meu taló
Don't throw salt on the cut of my heel
Et deixen coix al marató
They will leave you limping in the marathon
Ací qui ven la veritat?
Who is selling the truth here?
Que el president no està tancat
That the president is not locked up

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