Prozak Soup feat. Joan Palomares - Ni puta gràcia - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Prozak Soup feat. Joan Palomares - Ni puta gràcia

Ni puta gràcia
No fucking grace
Sóc un monstre i vols que siga un sense sostre
I'm a monster and you want me to be homeless
La meua imatge espanta i la meua llengua t'incomoda
My image scares you and my tongue makes you uncomfortable
Vaig fora d'ona, llig l'Enver Hoxha
I'm out of tune, reading Enver Hoxha
Mentre tu aplaudeixes l'imbècil de Belén Esteban
While you applaud that idiot Belén Esteban
Imagina't una escena en la que jo trac la pistola
Imagine a scene where I bring the gun
T'apunte a la cara i et dic: "Fot-me ara"
I point it at you and say, "Fuck me now"
I tu em vas dir que tot era una broma
And you told me it was all a joke
I a mi no em va fer ni puta gràcia
And I didn't give a fuck
I vaig disparar al cel
And I shot in the sky
Per un segon et sentiràs com sempre ho he fet jo
For a second you'll feel as I have always felt
Aneu en compte de no tirar l'aigua quan hi ha set
Be careful not to throw away water when there is thirst
La roba que voleu que duga l'ha cosida un nen
The clothes you want me to wear were sewn by a child
La vida que voleu que duga em deixarà sense cabells
The life you want me to lead will leave me bald
I calfarem l'aigua gelà lluny d'ací, prop de tu
And we'll warm the ice water far from here, near you
A voltes se t'oblida que t'espere
Sometimes you forget that I'm waiting for you
A voltes se t'oblida que no t'espera ningú
Sometimes you forget that nobody waits for you
A voltes se t'oblida que t'espere
Sometimes you forget that I'm waiting for you
A voltes se t'oblida que no t'espera ningú
Sometimes you forget that nobody waits for you
I passaràs una altra tarda mentint per el Facebook
And you will spend another afternoon lying on Facebook
Guapo, llest, ric i ara estàs deprimit
Handsome, smart, rich and now you're depressed
Perquè tu no t'has cregut ni l'1% del que li has dit
Because you didn't believe even 1% of what you said
Potser ets un malparit, que putada
Maybe you're a jerk, what a drag
Sóc un grenyut xuplat i preferisc la muntanya
I'm a skinny, scruffy loner and I prefer the mountain
Que fer l'imbècil a un centre comercial
To acting like an idiot in a shopping mall
Em pose en marxa i no crie panxa
I get going and don't put on a pot belly
Bec aigua del Túria i suc de taronja
I drink water from the Turia and orange juice
Per un segon et sentiràs com sempre ho he fet jo
For a second you'll feel as I have always felt
Aneu en compte de no tirar l'aigua quan hi ha set
Be careful not to throw away water when there is thirst
La roba que voleu que duga l'ha cosida un nen
The clothes you want me to wear were sewn by a child
La vida que voleu que duga em deixarà sense cabells
The life you want me to lead will leave me bald
I calfarem l'aigua gelà lluny d'ací, prop de tu
And we'll warm the ice water far from here, near you
I calfarem l'aigua gelà lluny d'ací, prop de tu
And we'll warm the ice water far from here, near you
A voltes se t'oblida que t'espere
Sometimes you forget that I'm waiting for you
A voltes se t'oblida que no t'espera ningú
Sometimes you forget that nobody waits for you
A voltes se t'oblida que t'espere
Sometimes you forget that I'm waiting for you
A voltes se t'oblida que no t'espera ningú
Sometimes you forget that nobody waits for you
A voltes se t'oblida que t'espere
Sometimes you forget that I'm waiting for you
A voltes se t'oblida que no t'espera ningú
Sometimes you forget that nobody waits for you
A voltes se t'oblida que t'espere
Sometimes you forget that I'm waiting for you
A voltes se t'oblida que no t'espera ningú
Sometimes you forget that nobody waits for you

Авторы: Joan Palomares

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