Prozak Soup feat. Joan Palomares - Tot sembla tu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Prozak Soup feat. Joan Palomares - Tot sembla tu

Tot sembla tu
Everything Seems Like You
Dalt d'un terrat t'has podrit tu sol
You rotted alone on a rooftop
Observant els núvols plorar
Watching the clouds cry
Presta atenció com cau damunt teu
Pay attention to how it falls on you
I t'estrelles poc a poc
And you slowly shatter
Et dona igual la història mentre la TV t'emparra
You don't care about history while the TV numbs you
Anaves de sabut i ara dones voltes de campana
You acted like you knew everything, and now you're turning upside down
Hola! Adeu amic! Ens vejem! Fins ara!
Hello! Goodbye friend! See you! So long!
Demà de matí trencaré les barres de la gàbia
Tomorrow morning I will break the bars of the cage
El terra i tu teniu algo en comú
The ground and you have something in common
Jo sóc gota caiguda del cel
I am a drop fallen from the sky
Quan xoque amb tu em descompose
When I collide with you, I decompose
També depén si el sol és molt calent
It also depends if the sun is very hot
O si fa fred i muic congelat
Or if it's cold and I freeze
Però jo no trie el que pense
But I don't choose what I think
Sembla que t'assembles al vent
It seems like you resemble the wind
Per molt que vaja de pressa
No matter how fast I go
Et note però no et veig
I feel you but I don't see you
Sembla que t'assembles al mar
It seems like you resemble the sea
M'atrapa sa bellesa i dins d'ell m'ofegaré
Its beauty traps me and within it I will drown
Et dona igual la història mentre la TV t'emparra
You don't care about history while the TV numbs you
Anaves de sabut i ara dones voltes de campana
You acted like you knew everything, and now you're turning upside down
Hola! Adeu amic! Ens vejem! Fins ara!
Hello! Goodbye friend! See you! So long!
Demà de matí trencaré les barres de la gàbia
Tomorrow morning I will break the bars of the cage
De mi a tu, com de Fleix a Moscú
From me to you, like from Fleix to Moscow
No recordes el primer barranc
You don't remember the first cliff
I vas perdre les claus de casa
And you lost the keys to your house
Tampoc entenc que fas al pedestal
I also don't understand what you're doing on the pedestal
I jo al riu que neteja la Vall
And I'm in the river that cleans the Valley
Quan plores roda la campana
When you cry, the bell tolls
Sembla que t'assembles al vent
It seems like you resemble the wind
Per molt que vaja de pressa
No matter how fast I go
Et note però no et veig
I feel you but I don't see you
Sembla que t'assembles al mar
It seems like you resemble the sea
M'atrapa sa bellesa i dins d'ell m'ofegaré
Its beauty traps me and within it I will drown
Dis-me on estem, jo no ho he entès mai
Tell me where we are, I've never understood
I esgarre la vela del vent mestral
And I tear the sail of the mistral wind
Terreny de secà avoltes és terreny fangós
Dry land sometimes is muddy land
I d'estiu plujós, sempre perillós
And of a rainy summer, always dangerous
Dalt d'un terrat t'has podrit tu sol
You rotted alone on a rooftop
Observant els núvols plorar
Watching the clouds cry
Presta atenció com cau damunt teu
Pay attention to how it falls on you
I t'estrelles poc a poc
And you slowly shatter
Sembla que t'assembles al vent
It seems like you resemble the wind
Per molt que vaja de pressa
No matter how fast I go
Et note però no et veig
I feel you but I don't see you
Sembla que t'assembles al mar
It seems like you resemble the sea
M'atrapa sa bellesa i dins d'ell m'ofegaré
Its beauty traps me and within it I will drown
Sembla que t'assembles al vent
It seems like you resemble the wind
Per molt que vaja de pressa
No matter how fast I go
Et note però no et veig
I feel you but I don't see you
Sembla que t'assembles al mar
It seems like you resemble the sea
M'atrapa sa bellesa i dins d'ell m'ofegaré
Its beauty traps me and within it I will drown
Et dona igual la història mentre la TV t'emparra
You don't care about history while the TV numbs you
Anaves de sabut i ara dones voltes de campana
You acted like you knew everything, and now you're turning upside down
Hola! Adeu amic! Ens vejem! Fins ara!
Hello! Goodbye friend! See you! So long!
Demà de matí trencaré les barres de la gàbia
Tomorrow morning I will break the bars of the cage

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