Pupil·les feat. Hèctor Galán - L'últim Esglaó - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pupil·les feat. Hèctor Galán - L'últim Esglaó

L'últim Esglaó
The Last Step
S'ha quedat fixament mirant-la als ulls
He stared fixedly into her eyes
Després li llança petons mentre s'allunya, mentre fuig
Then he blows kisses as he walks away, as he runs away
Ella està assentada a la parada del bus
She is sitting at the bus stop
Se'l mira resignada, altre cop un altre abús
She looks at him resigned, another abuse again
Després a l'estació li criden obscenitats
Then at the station they shout obscenities at her
Cinc tios van en grup, mala colla, desgraciats
Five guys go in a group, bad vibes, miserable
Opinen del seu cul, ara parlen dels pits
They comment on her ass, now they talk about her boobs
No dubten i li diuen que la volen dur al llit
They don't hesitate and tell her they want to take her to bed
I li xiulen com si fos un gos més en el carrer
And they whistle at her as if she were another dog on the street
Som gates ací, si xiules t'arrapem
We are cats here, if you whistle we will scratch you
No em domesticaràs, jo sóc autosuficient
You will not domesticate me, I am self-sufficient
No volem que ens piropegen, què volen aquesta gent?
We don't want you to compliment us, what do these people want?
Masclisme per tot arreu i en lloc de fer-li front
Machismo everywhere and instead of confronting it
Demaneu que empatitzem, què feu?
You ask us to empathize, what are you doing?
No s'adoneu que la gota vesa el got?
Don't you realize that the drop is overflowing the glass?
No cediré ni un pam, et preferisc a tu en el clot
I will not give an inch, I prefer you in the pit
Fartes fartes de ser l'ultim esglao
We are tired, tired of being the last step
Fortes, quatre ovaris per fer front
Strong, four ovaries to cope
Filles filles de la lluna d'esta nit
Daughters, daughters of the moon tonight
Som les bruixes que cremareu
We are the witches you will burn
I han restat en l'oblit
And they have remained in oblivion
Fartes fartes de ser l'ultim esglao
We are tired, tired of being the last step
Fortes, quatre ovaris per fer front
Strong, four ovaries to cope
Filles filles de la lluna d'esta nit
Daughters, daughters of the moon tonight
Som les bruixes que cremareu
We are the witches you will burn
I han restat en l'oblit
And they have remained in oblivion
Ella està ballant tota sola en aquell bar
She is dancing alone in that bar
De sobte sent al darrere un alé prou alterat
Suddenly she hears a loud noise behind her
Nota estupefacta com l'agafen pel braç
She feels astonished as they grab her arm
Es gira un desconegut, es presenta atabalat
A stranger turns around, introduces himself flustered
Pacientment i sense ganes li explica que ara no vol
Patiently and reluctantly she explains that she doesn't want to now
Que no li abellix xarrar, que està a gust amb el seu món
That she doesn't feel like talking, that she's comfortable in her own world
Però ell pareix no entendre de què va la situació
But he doesn't seem to understand what the situation is about
Insistència que apesta, altra volta este malson
Insistence that stinks, this nightmare again
Vull que et quede clar que necessite el meu espai
I want to make it clear that I need my space
Dius que et mire, que et provoque?
You say I look at you, that I provoke you?
Són excuses, desgraciat!
They are excuses, miserable!
Res et justifica si m'estàs incomodant,
Nothing justifies you if you are bothering me,
Res és comprensible, m'estàs assetjant!
Nothing is understandable, you are harassing me!
L'alcohol no és cap excusa, no em val que anaves passat
Alcohol is no excuse, it doesn't matter to me that you were wasted
No eixim de festa per aguantar tan de bufat
We don't go out to party to put up with so much harassment
Si jo vull pots vindre lliure, si dic no, te n'has d'anar
If I want you can come freely, if I say no, you have to leave
Sense peròs, sense històries, et faig fora, s'ha acabat!
No buts, no stories, I kick you out, it's over!
Fartes fartes de ser l'ultim esglao
We are tired, tired of being the last step
Fortes, quatre ovaris per fer front
Strong, four ovaries to cope
Filles filles de la lluna d'esta nit
Daughters, daughters of the moon tonight
Som les bruixes que cremareu
We are the witches you will burn
I han restat en l'oblit
And they have remained in oblivion
Fartes fartes de ser l'ultim esglao
We are tired, tired of being the last step
Fortes, quatre ovaris per fer front
Strong, four ovaries to cope
Filles filles de la lluna d'esta nit
Daughters, daughters of the moon tonight
Som les bruixes que cremareu
We are the witches you will burn
I han restat en l'oblit
And they have remained in oblivion
Necessitem canviar l'educació
We need to change education
"Quien se pelea se desea" deixeu d'ensenyar això
"He who fights, desires" stop teaching that
El respecte és un valor, ha de quedar clar
Respect is a value, it must be clear
Abans que l'amor superflu protegim la integritat
Before superfluous love we protect integrity
Pacientment i sense ganes li explica que ara no vol
Patiently and reluctantly she explains that she doesn't want to now
Que no li abellix xarrar, que està a gust amb el seu món
That she doesn't feel like talking, that she's comfortable in her own world
Però ell pareix no entendre de què va la situació
But he doesn't seem to understand what the situation is about
Insistència que apesta, altra volta este malson
Insistence that stinks, this nightmare again
Fartes fartes de ser l'ultim esglao
We are tired, tired of being the last step
Fortes, quatre ovaris per fer front
Strong, four ovaries to cope
Filles filles de la lluna d'esta nit
Daughters, daughters of the moon tonight
Som les bruixes que cremareu
We are the witches you will burn
I han restat en l'oblit
And they have remained in oblivion
Fartes fartes de ser l'ultim esglao
We are tired, tired of being the last step
Fortes, quatre ovaris per fer front
Strong, four ovaries to cope
Filles filles de la lluna d'esta nit
Daughters, daughters of the moon tonight
Som les bruixes que cremareu
We are the witches you will burn
I han restat en l'oblit
And they have remained in oblivion
Fartes fartes de ser l'ultim esglao
We are tired, tired of being the last step
Fortes, quatre ovaris per fer front
Strong, four ovaries to cope
Filles filles de la lluna d'esta nit
Daughters, daughters of the moon tonight
Som les bruixes que cremareu
We are the witches you will burn
I han restat en l'oblit
And they have remained in oblivion
Fartes fartes de ser l'ultim esglao
We are tired, tired of being the last step
Fortes, quatre ovaris per fer front
Strong, four ovaries to cope
Filles filles de la lluna d'esta nit
Daughters, daughters of the moon tonight
Som les bruixes que cremareu
We are the witches you will burn
I han restat en l'oblit
And they have remained in oblivion
Som les bruixes que cremareu
We are the witches you will burn
I han restat en l'oblit
And they have remained in oblivion
Som les bruixes que cremareu
We are the witches you will burn
I han restat en l'oblit
And they have remained in oblivion

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