Pupil·les feat. Kiko Tur & Aspencat - No Vull Dormir - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pupil·les feat. Kiko Tur & Aspencat - No Vull Dormir

No Vull Dormir
I Don't Want to Sleep
He llançat els meus dubtes al vent
I threw my doubts to the wind
Ha eixit la teua cara i bufava ponent
Your face came out and the west wind was blowing
Calen desperts mentre altres són al llit
We need to be awake while others are in bed
I així va el món rutllant i forma este teixit
And so the world rolls on, forming this fabric
Podria acaronar-te i llevar-te este patir
I could caress you and take away your pain
El que ens passa als dos es resumeix en un sospir
What happens to us both can be summed up in a sigh
No és per tu, és per mi
It's not for you, it's for me
Agafa′m de la
Take my hand
T'enyore com cent mamuts a cavall
I miss you like a hundred mammoths on horseback
Ja t′avisaren que no era qualsevol
They already warned you that she was not just anyone
Però recorda, ella ve quan vol
But remember, she comes when she wants
Amb la seua rutina alegra el teu matí
With her routine she brightens your morning
Et toca l'ala i et regala el seu caliu
She touches your wing and gives you her warmth
El petit dubte es torna gran, gegant
The little doubt becomes big, gigantic
Comença a molestar-te, s'acomoda al teu cap
It starts to bother you, it settles in your head
Però que és viure? Tan sols un accident
But what is living? Just an accident
Si et molesta el dubte esdevindrem inconscients
If doubt bothers you, we will become unconscious
No puc dormir, no puc dormir
I can't sleep, I can't sleep
El carrer em canta, em crida i m′ofrena
The street sings to me, calls to me, and offers itself to me
No vull dormir, no vull dormir
I don't want to sleep, I don't want to sleep
M′alce del llit, matarem esta pena
I get out of bed, we will kill this sorrow
No puc dormir, no puc dormir
I can't sleep, I can't sleep
Tu arrítmic i jo un dos per quatre
You're arrhythmic and I'm a two-four beat
No vull dormir, no vull dormir
I don't want to sleep, I don't want to sleep
La Lluna em saluda i jo la idolatre
The Moon greets me and I idolize her
Besos que són contractes, regals que són promeses
Kisses that are contracts, gifts that are promises
Ací estem tu i jo destruint-nos sense presses
Here we are, you and I, destroying ourselves without haste
Ànimes tossudes, paral·lelismes, decepcions
Stubborn souls, parallelisms, disappointments
L'art que aplique per posar-te maliciós
The art that I apply to make you malicious
Voldria que es parara el temps ací
I wish time would stop here
Que restàrem eterns com la lluna d′eixa nit
That we would remain eternal like the moon that night
El destí ens la juga i això ho sabem molt
Fate plays with us and we know this very well
Ens remourà els paisatges, ens confondrà els sentiments
It will stir our landscapes, confuse our feelings
Sí, som feliços, però i després, què?
Yes, we are happy, but what happens after?
Ells tindran les armes per poder parar el temps?
Will they have the weapons to stop time?
La municó adequada per matar a la rutina
The right ammunition to kill the routine
Rituals mecànics, prozak i cafeïna
Mechanical rituals, Prozac and caffeine
Tot el que em preocupa ja ho pensaré demà
Everything that worries me, I'll think about tomorrow
Sóc Escarlata O'hara i el vent se m′ha emportat
I'm Scarlett O'Hara and the wind has taken me away
Una mirada intensa i prodigiosa al teu davant
An intense and prodigious look in front of you
Despertem l'enveja dels vells de la contornà
We awaken the envy of the old people of the neighborhood
No puc dormir, no puc dormir
I can't sleep, I can't sleep
El carrer em canta, em crida i m′ofrena
The street sings to me, calls to me, and offers itself to me
No vull dormir, no vull dormir
I don't want to sleep, I don't want to sleep
M'alce del llit, matarem esta pena
I get out of bed, we will kill this sorrow
No puc dormir, no puc dormir
I can't sleep, I can't sleep
Tu arrítmic i jo un dos per quatre
You're arrhythmic and I'm a two-four beat
No vull dormir, no vull dormir
I don't want to sleep, I don't want to sleep
La Lluna em saluda i jo la idolatre
The Moon greets me and I idolize her
Les Pupilles ensenyant les seues armes
The Pupils showing their weapons
Feu-los lloc, amor, respect i aprenentatge
Make room for them, love, respect and learning
Anem per feina contra el rei i la reina del ball
Let's go to work against the king and queen of the ball
We will survive, empoderades per guanyar tots els espais
We will survive, empowered to win all spaces
You know why, rendir-se mai
You know why, never give up
Fem l'aquelarre and together will rise
Let's do the coven and together will rise
Tinc un somriure per curar tot el teu dol
I have a smile to cure all your pain
Hui te′l regale per si vols alçar el vol
Today I give it to you in case you want to take flight
Perquè t′admire en la lluita i t'estime
Because I admire you in the fight and I love you
Puge que puge a la lluna i al sol
I rise and rise to the moon and the sun
No puc dormir, no puc dormir
I can't sleep, I can't sleep
El carrer em canta, em crida i m′ofrena
The street sings to me, calls to me, and offers itself to me
No vull dormir, no vull dormir
I don't want to sleep, I don't want to sleep
M'alce del llit, matarem esta pena
I get out of bed, we will kill this sorrow
No puc dormir, no puc dormir
I can't sleep, I can't sleep
Tu arrítmic i jo un dos per quatre
You're arrhythmic and I'm a two-four beat
No vull dormir, no vull dormir
I don't want to sleep, I don't want to sleep
La Lluna em saluda i jo la idolatre
The Moon greets me and I idolize her
No puc dormir, no puc dormir
I can't sleep, I can't sleep
El carrer em canta, em crida i m′ofrena
The street sings to me, calls to me, and offers itself to me
No vull dormir, no vull dormir
I don't want to sleep, I don't want to sleep
M'alce del llit, matarem esta pena
I get out of bed, we will kill this sorrow
No puc dormir, no puc dormir
I can't sleep, I can't sleep
Tu arrítmic i jo un dos per quatre
You're arrhythmic and I'm a two-four beat
No vull dormir, no vull dormir
I don't want to sleep, I don't want to sleep
La Lluna em saluda i jo la idolatre
The Moon greets me and I idolize her

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