Pupil·les - El recital - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pupil·les - El recital

El recital
The Recital
Tothom aconsella, tothom opina
Everyone advises, everyone has an opinion
Deuríeu fer-ho "aixana", deuríeu fer-ho "aixina"
You should do it "this way", you should do it "that way"
Accepta el consell i et done la propina
Accept the advice and I'll give you a tip
Pren nota, rebosseu melanina
Take note, be covered with melanin
Cal demanar disculpes públiques
You must apologize publicly
Grave en condicions òptimes
Record in optimal conditions
Mea culpa, vull que sone guai
Mea culpa, I want it to sound cool
Jo confesso és un negoci, em deuria haver negat
I confess it's a business, I should have refused
Sent promocionar-me, canses quan dius que he de posicionar-me
When you hear yourself promoting, you get tired when you say I have to position myself
El pròxim tema en whatsapp de veu
The next song in a voice message on whatsapp
Els bolos gratis jo no dec posar-me preu
I don't have to set a price for free gigs
Arribem perquè estem bones i ben envoltades
We get there because we're hot and well-surrounded
Sus amigos las colocan, les veiem colocades
Sus amigos las colocan, les veiem colocades
Dale, dale, segueix conspirant
Dale, dale, keep conspiring
Està sonant la base no t'estic escoltant
The bass is playing I'm not listening to you
Ara mireu-nos passar
Now watch us go
Comença el nostre recital
Our recital begins
Una força colossal
A colossal force
Nomenclatura feminal
Female nomenclature
Ara mireu-nos passar
Now watch us go
Ara mireu-nos passar
Now watch us go
Ara mireu-nos
Now watch us
Si no fóres dona ni un "torrao"
If you weren't a woman or a "torrao"
Hi ha grups d'homes millors, "demostrao"
There are better groups of men, "demonstrao"
Feu concerts, discriminació positiva
Give concerts, positive discrimination
Us falta qualitat, adrenalina
You lack quality, adrenaline
Estem ací, som més llestes que la fam
We're here, we're smarter than hunger
Feien falta dones en aquest tram
There was a lack of women in this area
Cartells saturats, tot un home
Posters are saturated, a whole man
Venim ingovernables, no hi ha ningú que ens dome
We come unruly, there's no one to tame us
Tenim flowaco per a donar i vendre
We have enough flowaco to give and sell
Per a encendre i prendre
To light up and catch
Los dioses me lo ofrecen
Los dioses me lo ofrecen
Vengo con duende y a ti no te incumbe
Vengo con duende y a ti no te incumbe
Me hundes, me asciendes y me difundes
Me hundes, me asciendes y me difundes
T'anem a baixar los aires de grandeza
We're going to bring down your airs of grandeur
Vas a besar el suelo, me sobra destreza
You're going to kiss the ground, I have more than enough skill
Ellas, ellas tienen la batuta
Ellas, ellas tienen la batuta
Dacapo, somos zorras por astutas
Dacapo, somos zorras por astutas
Ara mireu-nos passar
Now watch us go
Comença el nostre recital
Our recital begins
Una força colossal
A colossal force
Nomenclatura feminal
Female nomenclature
Ara mireu-nos passar
Now watch us go
Ara mireu-nos passar
Now watch us go
Ara mireu-nos
Now watch us
Boques amb llengües verinoses
Mouths with venomous tongues
Xapa, de pressa que entren mosques
Xapa, quickly before the flies come in
Haters, us rendim homenatge
Haters, we pay tribute to you
Sense donar-vos compte ens esteu fent mecenatge
Without realizing it you are making us patrons
Ara mireu-nos passar
Now watch us go
Comença el nostre recital
Our recital begins
Una força colossal
A colossal force
Nomenclatura feminal
Female nomenclature
Ara mireu-nos passar
Now watch us go
Ara mireu-nos passar
Now watch us go
Ara mireu-nos
Now watch us
Ara mireu-nos passar
Now watch us go
Comença el nostre recital
Our recital begins
Una força colossal
A colossal force
Nomenclatura feminal
Female nomenclature
Ara mireu-nos passar
Now watch us go
Ara mireu-nos passar
Now watch us go
Ara mireu-nos
Now watch us
Ara mireu-nos passar
Now watch us go

Авторы: Pupil.les

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