Pupil·les - Sola contra mi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pupil·les - Sola contra mi

Sola contra mi
Alone against myself
He prohibido tu olor en domingo
I've banned the smell of you on Sundays
Si escucho tu nombre, doy un respingo
If I hear your name, I skip a beat
Te explico llena de melancolía
I'll explain to you full of melancholy
Prefiero seguir sola que en tu compañía
I'd rather be alone than in your company
Cansada d′aguantar quin desastre
Tired of putting up with such a disaster
Has fet petita a la inabastable
You've made the insurmountable seem small
T'envie records literaris
I'll send you literary notes
La nostra història no ix als diaris
Our story won't make it to the newspapers
No arribes a pròleg, jo sóc novel·la
You're not reaching the prologue, I'm a novel
Soy la elegida y este es mi lema
I'm the chosen one and this is my motto
Diques de la sinrazón, orgía de palabras
Speeches of unreason, orgy of words
Te lanzo un maleficio, abracadabra!
I cast a spell on you, abracadabra!
No som reines, som quotidianes
We are not queens, we are ordinary
Ni passives, impertorbables
Neither passive, nor imperturbable
Som llibertat sense censura
We are freedom without censorship
Som la paraula que supura
We are the word that oozes
Ja dominar la por
I can already control fear
Mira com fuig el dolor
Watch the pain go away
Res poden els teus ulls
Your eyes don't have any power
Torne a somriure els dilluns
I smile on Mondays again
Primer m′estime jo i si vull em compartisc
I love myself first and if I want to I share myself
La felicitat no depèn de cap xic
Happiness doesn't depend on any boy
De cap mascle, de cap home que s'empenye en silenciar-me
Of any male, of any man who insists on silencing me
No t'asustes no, he aprés a valorar-me
Don't be scared, I've learned to value myself
He aprés a valorar-me
I've learned to value myself
He aprés a valorar-me
I've learned to value myself
Estoy solo conmigo, pero sola contra mi
I am alone with myself, but alone against myself
Com diria la sastre ya nadie baila aqui
As the tailor would say, no one dances here anymore
Estoy solo conmigo, pero sola contra mi
I am alone with myself, but alone against myself
Ya nadie baila aqui, ya nadie baila aqui
No one dances here anymore, no one dances here anymore
Per les dones que ens escoltes, vull transmetre
For the women who listen to us, I want to transmit
La victòria és de totes, totes juntes
Victory belongs to all, all together
Unides som més fortes, no ens afonaran
United we are stronger, they will not drown us
Alcem ben alt el cap les Pupil·les cantaran
Let's raise our heads high, the pupils will sing
Te lo explico vamos despacio
I'll explain it to you, let's go slow
Llévame bajo palio
Carry me under a canopy
Las cosas claras yo tengo el mando
Let's make things clear, I'm in charge
Yo la reina del patio
I am the queen of the playground
Donde las dan las toman
Where they give it, they take it
Tomaste demasiadas
You took too much
Reiré la última esta historia está acabada
I'll laugh last, this story is over
Estoy solo conmigo, pero sola contra mi
I am alone with myself, but alone against myself
Com diria la sastre ya nadie baila aqui
As the tailor would say, no one dances here anymore
Estoy solo conmigo, pero sola contra mi
I am alone with myself, but alone against myself
Ya nadie baila aqui, ya nadie baila aqui
No one dances here anymore, no one dances here anymore
Ja no et necessite sols estic per a mi
I don't need you anymore, I'm only here for myself
Hui em reafir-me he cosit els descosits
Today I reaffirm myself, I have sewn the loose threads
Ja no et cerque, m′he trobat a mi sencera
I don't look for you anymore, I've found myself whole
Trepitje els teus records, és la meua renaixença
I trample on your memories, it's my rebirth

Авторы: Pupil.les

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