RADWIMPS - カタルシスト - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни RADWIMPS - カタルシスト

It's not about winning or losing, they say,
It's about a match with value beyond victory.
Though I don't quite grasp what they mean, hey,
There are things that can only begin with a win, that's why.
In short, the point is,
Now is the time to relentlessly pursue victory, without spouting empty words.
今がその時 今が 今まさにその時
Now is the time, now is, right now is the time.
今がその時 今が 今まさにその時
Now is the time, now is, right now is the time.
Here we are now we came to take this game
Here we are now, we came to take this game,
No way, losing it's unacceptable
No way, losing is unacceptable.
For every single fear we carry, inside us
For every single fear we carry inside us,
Let's break them into pieces and prove we are the Winners
Let's break them into pieces and prove we are the Winners.
誰かを負かしたいわけじゃない ただ自らの高みへ
It's not about defeating someone, but reaching our own heights.
昇りたい 出逢いたい まだ見ぬ自分の姿に
I want to ascend, to encounter the unseen version of myself.
だから僕ら今 手を取るよ あなたの握る力が
That's why we join hands now, you may not realize
どれほどの勇気をくれるかを あなたはきっと知らない
The courage your grip brings to me.
あなたにとっても どうかそうでありたい
I hope to be the same for you.
敵は強く見えるもの いつの時もそういうもんだもの
The enemy always seems strong, it's always like that,
だども 恐れるほどのことじゃなかろう
But it's nothing to fear, really.
敵にとっちゃ君はまたその 遥か高くそびえ立つ
To the enemy, you stand tall, an insurmountable wall,
超えられなき偉大な壁 今日(こんにち)までの
Built by all your days until today.
Now is the time to unleash everything within you.
そう今がその時 今が今まさにその時
Yes, now is the time, now is, right now is the time.
今がその時 今が 今まさにその時
Now is the time, now is, right now is the time.
Here we are now we came to take this game
Here we are now, we came to take this game,
No way, losing it's unacceptable
No way, losing is unacceptable.
For every single fear we carry, inside us
For every single fear we carry inside us,
Let's break them into pieces and prove we are the Winners
Let's break them into pieces and prove we are the Winners.
誰かを負かしたいわけじゃない ただ自らの高みへ
It's not about defeating someone, but reaching our own heights.
昇りたい 出逢いたい まだ見ぬ自分の姿に
I want to ascend, to encounter the unseen version of myself.
だから僕ら今 手を取るよ あなたの笑う姿が
That's why we join hands now, you may not realize
どれほどの勇気をくれるかを あなたはきっと知らない
The courage your smile brings to me.
あなたにとっても どうかそうでありたい
I hope to be the same for you.
君と走り抜ける風に 乗れば勝てない痛みなど
With the wind we run through, I believe with foolish certainty
ないとただ愚かなほどに 信じれる心があるよ
That there's no pain we can't overcome.
僕が叫ぶこの声には たとえ意味などなかろうと
Even if my shouts have no meaning,
君にただ届けと願う 心が叫ぶのやめないの
My heart cries out, yearning to reach you.
願うだけ ただ願うだけ 君の夢が咲き誇るまで
I only wish, I simply wish, until your dreams bloom.
願うだけ そう願うだけ 君の夢は僕のでもあるから
I only wish, yes I wish, for your dreams are also mine.

Авторы: 野田洋次郎

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