Radius 21 - Gop Stop - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Radius 21 - Gop Stop

Gop Stop
Gop Stop
Mahala jim jit
My dear and loving woman
Qorongi bor
You've always been there for me
Va esiz tarbiya
And I've always cherished our time together
Oqibat azob
But lately, I've noticed a change in you
Bola bolgan edi kamtar
You've become more distant and withdrawn
Kecir iltimos va yagona hayoli er
And I'm not sure what to do
Bor edi rost, neca yilar otgan kim sanagan
Have I done something wrong?
Bola osgan kambagal oclik edi
Have I hurt you in some way?
Koca kormagan
I've tried to talk to you about it
Hayot bilmagan
But you just shut me down
Lekin icida alami rosa qolgan
I'm starting to feel like I'm losing you
Koca tola gop stop
And I don't know how to stop it
Ora orada hayotni narhi baland
Please tell me what's wrong
Koca bol gop stop ora orada hayotni narhi baland
Let me know what I can do to make things right
Koca bola kop gap ora orada hoyotni narhi baland
I don't want to lose you
Koca tola gop stop ora orada hayotni narhi baland
I love you more than anything in the world
Koca bola kop gap ora orada hayotni narhi baland
And I'll do whatever it takes to keep you in my life
Bellar baquvat, yuragi towdan
I'm strong and brave
Deyarli boyi boyi anca baland
And I'm not afraid to fight for what I believe in

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