Radius 21 - Unutolmadim - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Radius 21 - Unutolmadim

I Couldn't Forget
Sendan judo bo'lsamda kecholmadim azizim
Though I parted from you, my love, I couldn't move on
Bugun ko'zlarimda nam, sevgim yolg'on emas hech
Today, my eyes are wet with tears, my love is true, no doubt
Kechmagan bo'lsang mendan so'z ochma judolikdan
If you haven't forgiven me, don't speak of separation
Bu ne siru-sinoat yecholmadim azizim?
What is this mystery, this trial, I couldn't solve, my love?
Nimasini ham aytay? Bu - sevgi, sir emas hech!
What can I say? This is love, no secret at all!
Taqdirga tan bermasdan tolmasman kurashishdan
Without surrendering to fate, I won't tire of fighting
Taqdir ekan, tan berdim, to'leyimga bitmading
Fate it is, I accepted, you weren't meant for my destiny
Ishonaman kun kelar, yulduzlar porlab ketar
I believe a day will come, the stars will shine bright
Shunda taqdirning o'zi sevgimizga tan berar
Then fate itself will acknowledge our love
Yillar yuvdi ko'nglimni, sen yuvilib ketmading
Years have washed my heart, but you haven't faded away
Mayli, seni ko'nglingni yil emas asr yuvsin
Fine, let not years but centuries wash your heart
Yurakdagi sevgimni qudrati yuvilmasin
May the power of my love in my heart never be washed away
Qondur bemor yuragim chala yarim jondur
My sick heart is half a life, incomplete
Qalbim bog'lari sarg'aygan hazondur
The gardens of my soul are a withered autumn
Negadir seni unutolmadim!
Somehow, I couldn't forget you!
Bordur hali-hali sendan umidim bordur
There is still, still hope for you within me
Sensiz dunyo go'zalim juda tordur
The world without you, my beauty, is too narrow
Negadir seni unutolmadim!
Somehow, I couldn't forget you!
Qondur bemor yuragim chala yarim jondur
My sick heart is half a life, incomplete
Qalbim bog'lari sarg'aygan hazondur
The gardens of my soul are a withered autumn
Negadir seni unutolmadim!
Somehow, I couldn't forget you!
Bordur hali-hali sendan umidim bordur
There is still, still hope for you within me
Sensiz dunyo go'zalim juda tordur
The world without you, my beauty, is too narrow
Negadir seni unutolmadim!
Somehow, I couldn't forget you!
Qalbim to'la mehr
My heart is full of affection
Chindanam sevaman ahir
I truly love you, indeed
Olib ketadi hayolim mani sen tomon
My thoughts carry me towards you
Sog'inaman yomon
I miss you terribly
Armonda, hazonda, gumonda
In longing, in autumn, in doubt
Bahtli bo'laman deganimda endi
Now, when I thought I'd be happy
Yarim bo'lagimni topganimda senda
When I found my other half in you
Hech, qaylarga g'oyib bo'lasan hayotimdan
Why, oh why, do you vanish from my life?
Kimdan ko'raman sababini, kim biladi?
From whom shall I seek the reason, who knows?
Nega taqdir bizni ustimizdan kuladi?
Why does fate laugh at us?
Uchrashtiradiyu ayiradi ketidan
It brings us together, then tears us apart
Azoblar keladi sevgini hididan
Suffering comes from the scent of love
Baxtsiz muhabbatim yosh boshimga balo
My unhappy love is a curse upon my young head
Majnun dardiga nega bo'ldim mubtalo?
Why am I afflicted with Majnun's pain?
Laylimisan? Shirinmisan?
Are you my Layli? My sweetness?
Bu dunyoda sensiz manga juda zerikarli!
This world is so boring without you!
Qondur bemor yuragim chala yarim jondur
My sick heart is half a life, incomplete
Qalbim bog'lari sarg'aygan hazondur
The gardens of my soul are a withered autumn
Negadir seni unutolmadim!
Somehow, I couldn't forget you!
Bordur hali-hali sendan umidim bordur
There is still, still hope for you within me
Sensiz dunyo go'zalim juda tordur
The world without you, my beauty, is too narrow
Negadir seni unutolmadim!
Somehow, I couldn't forget you!
Qondur bemor yuragim chala yarim jondur
My sick heart is half a life, incomplete
Qalbim bog'lari sarg'aygan hazondur
The gardens of my soul are a withered autumn
Negadir seni unutolmadim!
Somehow, I couldn't forget you!
Bordur hali-hali sendan umidim bordur
There is still, still hope for you within me
Sensiz dunyo go'zalim juda tordur
The world without you, my beauty, is too narrow
Negadir seni unutolmadim!
Somehow, I couldn't forget you!
Sensiz yurak chaqnamas, urmas
Without you, my heart doesn't spark, doesn't beat
Tomirlarda qaynamas qonim
My blood doesn't flow through my veins
Chunki, senla vujudim qalbim
Because, with you, my body, my soul
Qaynoq hayot suyukli jonim
Are a burning life, my beloved
Izlaganda birinchi bora
When I searched for the first time
Hayot uchun o'zimga sirdosh
A confidante for myself in life
Qayerdandir seni uchratdim
I found you somewhere
Va sen bo'lding qalbimga quyosh!
And you became the sun to my soul!
Shuning uchun sevaman seni
That's why I love you
Shuning uchun mehrimni qo'ydim
That's why I gave you my affection
Shuning uchun hayotimda
That's why in my life
Faqat seni, seni tanladim!
I chose only you, you!

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