Red Moon Music - Hello текст песни

Текст песни Hello - Red Moon Music

Let me say that again
The whole history of America
Is the history of rich white men
Telling not rich white people
That their enemies are black and brown
It starts in the colonies of
What would become the United States
Let's remember, during the colonial period
Mid-1600s, there was
No such thing as white people
I know some people
Who are now called white
Find that shocking because they think whiteness is real
But whiteness was created
Europeans didn't call themselves white. We didn't call ourselves white
We weren't all members of one
Big happy family. Are you kidding?
Have you studied the history of Europe?
The history of Europe was
About killing each other
That's what we did in Europe
We just killed each other
Before we figured out
There were other people to kill
We just killed each other. I mean
That was the history of Europe
The English hated the Irish right?
Northern Italians didn't even think
That Southern Italians were Italians
The Germans hated everybody
And everybody hated their
Ass right back, right?
There was no team called white, no race called white
But all of a sudden, in the middle
Of the 1600s, there was Why?
Why was it suddenly necessary
To create this thing called
The white race? Well
Because rich people can count
And that's why And so rich folks looked around, the ones that owned
All the land, you know, in the colonies
The colonial elite looked around
And they realized something
That they were heavily outnumbered
By African enslaved folks
By European indentured servants
Who were just one level above a slave
Which or other Europeans who weren't technically indentured servants
But they were still peasants
Didn't have any money
Didn't have any land
And they could do the math
They added it up, and they were like
Damn we've got to figure out
A way to split these folks apart
From one another or
They're going to rise up
And take our stuff
Right? Because after a while
These black folks who
Were enslaved Africans
And these, quote unquote
White folks who were poor Europeans
Were going to figure out
They're all getting played
By these rich people. Right?
So ultimately, the rich figure out
They've got to come up
With some way to get somebody
In that group on their team
The easiest thing is to get
The poor Europeans. At least
They look like you
They sort of share some
Of the customs and the culture
So they all of a sudden
Create this thing called whiteness
And they say, now you're part
Of the club. Now we're going
To let you testify in court
Enter into contracts, vote
At least if you're a man
Own a little bit of land
At least if you're a man, right?
And we're going to get rid of indentured servitude. No more of that
Because you're too good for that
And we're going to take the white men
Now called white men
And put them on the slave patrol
To keep black people in line
Give them a horse and a gun
And a badge and make them
Feel big and powerful. Right?
They're still poor. They still
Don't have anything
They didn't pay the slave patrol well Right? Just exploited them
Used them as a buffer
Between the elite and
The other poor folks
Particularly poor folks of color
And pretty soon the rebellions
That occasionally happen
Where black and white got together to overthrow the elite
Those skills
Because the divide and
Conquer had begun to work. Right?
You could turn people against
Each other by telling
Those poor white folks
They got to keep black people in line
And so that divide and conquer
Gets initiated in the colonies
Rich white men telling
Not rich white people
That they're going to be
On the ground. Fast forward
To the Civil War era, and you have
I'm from the South, right?
Black people the elite in
My part of the country right? Actually announced that the reason
They wanted to break away
From the Union and possibly
Go to war with their
Brothers and sisters to the North
Was in order to maintain slavery
And white supremacy
They said that at the time
We lie about it now
And we say it had nothing to do
With that. But of course
At the time they didn't have
Any shame about it so
They just said it openly. Right?
The Vice President of the Confederacy
Alexander Stevens, said that the cornerstone of the government was
The great truth that the Negro
Is not the equal of the white man
So that's the reason
The Confederacy was formed
And existed. But here's the trick
If I'm rich and I want to go to war
To protect my ownership
And other human beings
My property but you're poor
And you don't own any enslaved people
Why the hell would you go fight
To protect my stuff? Because I'm a rich person
I'm not going to fight rich people
To go to war. Rich people get poor people
To go to war for them, whether it's in 1860
Or whether it's during the 1960s
Or whether it's today. Right?
Rich folks get doctors to write notes
For them that say that
They have heel spurs
So they can't go to
Vietnam And if you don't know
Who I'm talking about
You can Google that shit
Because you're sitting in the
White House right now. Right?
Why would you go fight?
I have heel spurs since 1948
So that's a long-standing tradition
So the rich have to
Figure out a way to convince
The poor to go fight for them
But that's a hard thing
That's like a hard sell
Right? So why would you do that?
Why would you go fight to protect
My property rights when
You don't own anything?
Only way you would do it
Is if that rich person comes
To you and says, You got it
You got it. You got it
Because we got to maintain
Our way of life because
If these people get free
They're going to take your jobs
No, fool
They already got your job
That's how it works. Right?
Because if I'm white and
I got to charge you a dollar a day
To work on the farm
But you can get a black person
To do it for nothing
Because you own them
Guess who got the job?
Free got the job. Right?
So in a sense, poor white folks
Would have been better off
Joining with black folks
To overthrow the slave system
That would have raised
The wage floor of all
Working people
But they got took, they got tricked
By rich white men telling t
Hem that their enemies
Were black and brown
Fast forward to the 1930s
And you have white labor leaders
They're not even the elite, right?
The labor leaders are not the elite
But they're the elite within
The labor movement
And even they had fallen
For it at this point
So they didn't want to
Integrate their unions
And they would say things like
Well, we can't have black people
And Mexicans and Chinese folks
In our unions because if we do that
It's going to reduce
The professionalism
Of our craft. We have to maintain
The integrity of our profession
No fool, You need more people
In the damn union is what you need
And if you don't let those folks in
Guess what happens
When you go out on strike?
Who is the boss going
To use to replace you?
They're going to they're going
To replace you with
The very same black and brown
Folks that you didn't want
To work next to Right?
And then you're going
To blame them for taking
Your job rather than
The white rich dude for
Giving it to them. Right?
Divide and conquer
Telling not rich white folks
That their enemies
Are black and brown
And now we fast forward
To the president
We've got the president of
The United States becoming president on the basis
Of that same rhetoric
Telling not rich white folks
That the reason they don't have
A job is because Mexicans took them
Right? That's the argument
Keep in mind, there's been
A net outflow of Mexican folks
From this country, out of this country
In the last 10 years
Right now border crossings
And actual in-migration
At the lowest level
They've been since the 1970s
So anybody who believes
That is a damn fool or
Somebody who does not
Understand how to do research
On the internet or someone
Who doesn't care
Right? But he says it
He says the reason you
Don't have a job is those brown folks took them

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