Roger Mas - Preludi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Roger Mas - Preludi

Un dia somií que era una abella
One day I dreamt that I was a bee
I, papallonejant per l'hort del cel
And, fluttering through the garden of the sky
Anava d'una estrella a una altra estrella
I went from one star to another star
A volves d'or collint la dolça mel
Gathering the sweet honey in golden circles
Anava del clavell a la vidalba
I went from the carnation to the whitethorn
De l'herba de la creu als romanins
From the herb of the cross to the rosemary
Il·luminats per la claror de l'alba
Illuminated by the clarity of dawn
Que no han vista jamai nostres matins
That our mornings have never seen
Ací em somreia una gentil poncella
A gentle maiden smiled at me here
Que, esbadellant-se, es convertia en flor
Who, unraveling herself, turned into a flower
En flor del paradís, sempre novella
Into a flower of paradise, always new
Que feia cada dia nova olor
That made a new smell every day
D'un misteri volava a altre misteri
From one mystery I flew to another mystery
D'una amor robadora a un altra amor
From one robbing love to another love
Com un pit se m'obria l'hemisferi
Like a breast, the hemisphere opened up to me
Deixant-me beure en lo diví tresor
Letting me drink in the divine treasure
Vola que vola de la rosa al lliri
Flying from rose to lily
De flor en flor seguia jo el verger
From flower to flower, I followed the orchard
Del nèctar regalat fent lo captiri
Of the nectar given, making the capture
Entre càntics i música i plaer
Amidst songs and music and pleasure
Fer-ne volia una rosada bresca
I wanted to make a rosy honeycomb
Per dir "Preneu-ne" a mos amics del món
To say "Take some" to my friends of the world
"Preneu-ne un rajolí, d'eixa mel fresca
"Take a little, of this fresh honey
De l'alt verger on mes delícies són"
From the high orchard where the most delights are"
Mes ai, mes ai! Quan a plaer brescava
But alas, alas! When I was making honeycomb with pleasure
Caigut sobre la terra em despertí
I fell upon the earth and woke up
I, en comptes de la bresca que us baixava
And, instead of the honeycomb that I was bringing you
Sols trobo les cançons que veus aquí
I only find the songs that you see here
I, en comptes de la bresca que us baixava
And, instead of the honeycomb that I was bringing you
Sols trobo les cançons que veus aquí
I only find the songs that you see here
Que veus aquí
That you see here

Авторы: Roger Mas Sole

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