Ko' nas je to prod'o i koja je bila cijena naših života što Bog je uzeo
When that one sold us out, and what was the price of our lives that God took
Il' nam dao, tri mjeseca pakla
Or gave us, three months of hell
A onda je Vukovar pao, a i mi skupa s njim al' smo se predali hrabro
And then Vukovar fell, and we fell with it, but we surrendered bravely
Mjesec dana nakon što je umro Blago Zadro
A month after Blago Zadro died
Al' je ostala gorčina u grlu koje me zedja
But the bitterness remained in my throat, which thirsts
Na pozive u pomoć da l' su okretali ledja
To the calls for help, did they turn their backs
Ko' je Ovčaru preživio
Who survived Ovčara
Ne pitaj sta je prošo, u Stajićevu Nišu
Don't ask what they went through, in Stajićevo and Niš
Ja sam u Mitrovicu o'šo
I went to Mitrovica
4 mjeseca logora, za svaki sekund ožiljak
4 months of camp, a scar for every second
Pa izis'o u razmjeni kad je već bio ožujak
Then I was released in an exchange when it was already March
Pa šta to znači da sam imao sreće
So what does it mean that I was lucky
Što sam ostao živ, imali tu nesreće veće
That I stayed alive, were there greater misfortunes
Što sam vidio i čuo
What I saw and heard
Ne to se ne da zaboravit
No, it cannot be forgotten
Nema doktora što može ove rane oporavit
There is no doctor who can heal these wounds
Kao ni moju dragu što bolest uzela mi
Like my beloved whom the illness took from me
Još prošle godine, dok moja Sara ima
Last year, while my Sara is
Ona me drži na životu
She keeps me alive
Samo moja kćerka jeste i sjećanje
Only my daughter and the memory
Na moje dečke sa Trpinjske ceste
Of my boys from Trpinjska cesta
Boli me sjećanje na dane slavne
The memory of glorious days hurts me
Dane ponosne, al' borim se
Days of pride, but I fight
I ne dam se dok Dunav tiho protiče
And I won't give up while the Danube quietly flows
I boli me istina što nema onih koje volim ja
And the truth hurts that those I love are gone
Pokriva ih zastava
The flag covers them
Nek sanjaju u sjeni hrastova
May they dream in the shade of oak trees
A moja mala Sara o tom ne zna ništa
And my little Sara knows nothing about that
Ona zaspe sa osmjehom i sanja igrališta, kolače i bombone, a ne bombe i komblone
She falls asleep with a smile and dreams of playgrounds, cakes and candies, not bombs and convoys
Ko njen stari, ne vidi proklete demone
Like her old man, she doesn't see the damned demons
Ne vidi krvave rovove i popaljene krovove rodnoga grada, ona ne zna ništ' o ovome
She doesn't see bloody trenches and burnt roofs of her hometown, she knows nothing about this
I bolje da ne zna, nek je sretno djete
And it's better that she doesn't, let her be a happy child
Samo zna da tata guta neke roza tablete
She only knows that daddy swallows some pink pills
Kad ga boli glava, al' ne postoji taj prozak ni xanax za ove košmare uvučene u mozak
When he has a headache, but there is no Prozac or Xanax for these nightmares embedded in my brain
Što mi ne daju uklonit barikade i klade
That won't let me remove the barricades and logs
Zakopavam mrtve u prošlost, a oni ih vade šta mi to rade ljudi ko da nisam sav svoj tresem se i drhtim, ko da nisam sav svoj
I bury the dead in the past, and they dig them up, what are these people doing to me, as if I'm not myself, I tremble and shake, as if I'm not myself
Dok me kupa hladni znoj, nešto u meni kipi peku me naši haski, kundak života tuče
While cold sweat bathes me, something boils inside me, our huskies burn me, the butt of life beats
Zaista boli vraški
It really hurts like hell
Opet sam poš'o, polako
I'm going again, slowly
Jer više ne znam kako
Because I don't know how anymore
Borit se protiv toga nimalo nije lako
Fighting against this is not easy at all
I ko da nemam ništa drugo osim te granate
And as if I have nothing but that grenade
Al' neka i to će bit dovoljno, ako se vrate
But even that will be enough, if they come back
Boli me sjećanje na dane slavne
The memory of glorious days hurts me
Dane ponosne, al' borim se
Days of pride, but I fight
I ne dam se dok Dunav tiho protiče
And I won't give up while the Danube quietly flows
I boli me istina što nema onih koje volim ja
And the truth hurts that those I love are gone
Pokriva ih zastava
The flag covers them
Nek sanjaju u sjeni hrastova
May they dream in the shade of oak trees
O dragi Bože, kao da nije u snu
Oh dear God, as if it's not a dream
Kada koljena od krvi, a ja stojim baš na dnu
When my knees are covered in blood, and I'm standing at the very bottom
A oko mene poklani, streljani, pretučeni unakaženi, nevini i do smrti mučeni
And around me, slaughtered, shot, beaten, disfigured, innocent and tortured to death
Odjednom i j tonem u krvavom blatu
Suddenly, I sink into the bloody mud
Al' mi Sara drži ruku
But Sara holds my hand
I viče, ne dam svog tatu
And shouts, I won't let go of my daddy
I onda nestaje sva tama
And then all the darkness disappears
Jer je anđeo nad nama
Because an angel is above us
Pa nam salje oblak na kojem je Sarina mama moja draga žena, bljesti od sunčevih snopova i smjeh moje kćerke, jači od milijun topova mi zagrljeni sretni
So it sends us a cloud on which Sara's mother, my dear wife, shines from the sun's rays, and my daughter's laughter, stronger than a million cannons, we are embraced and happy
Zato plačemo nas troje odjednom oko nas svi moji prijatelji stoje
That's why the three of us cry at once, all my friends stand around us
Svi još uvijek lijepi, svi još mladi ko na slici i svi mi u glas kažu da je došao kraj bitci da živim sad za žive, mrtvih samo da se sjećam
All still beautiful, all still young as in the picture, and all of them tell me in one voice that the battle is over, that I should live now for the living, and only remember the dead
Pa se izljubim sa svima i to im obećam
So I kiss everyone goodbye and promise them that
Kažu zbogom i opet sve je isto ko i prije
They say goodbye, and again everything is the same as before
Silni Dunav, na vodotornju se zastava vije
The mighty Danube, the flag flies on the water tower
Ja se budim jer se Sara smije
I wake up because Sara is laughing
I ručice dvije mene grle oko vrata
And two little hands hug me around my neck
Tolika sreca u meni je
There is so much happiness in me
Boli me sjećanje na dane slavne
The memory of glorious days hurts me
Dane ponosne, al' borim se
Days of pride, but I fight
I ne dam se dok Dunav tiho protice
And I won't give up while the Danube quietly flows
I boli me istina sto nema onih koje volim ja
And the truth hurts that those I love are gone
Pokriva ih zastava
The flag covers them
Nek sanjaju u sjeni hrastova
May they dream in the shade of oak trees
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