1 Newtxpscxre
2 Nx
3 Xpen Wxund.
4 All Rxckstars Gx Tx Hevean.
5 I Lxve Yxu/I Hate Yxu.
6 GlxryHunter
7 Still a Ghxul
8 Hxnxur.
9 Crematixn.
10 Lxrd, Scar.
11 Humiliatixn.
12 27.
13 The Rumbling
14 G.T.F.U
15 Slitherin.
16 Ghxst in the Shell
17 Gxxey Gxxey
18 Generatixn
19 Weirdx.
20 Mxrbid.
21 Wake Up!
22 Yujirx's Theme
23 Bible Black
24 Dxing Me.
25 Tell Me Why
26 Pussybxyrun
27 IsThisReal?
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