Shahzoda - Unutmadim - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Shahzoda - Unutmadim

I Haven't Forgotten
Yonimga tunda kelasan, o't yoqib,
You come to me at night, lighting a fire,
Mendan mehring ayamaysan,
Not sparing your affection for me,
Sening kuchli qo'llaringda men erib,
In your strong arms, I melt,
Jonim deb shivirlasam.
Whispering "my soul" as I do.
Yonimga tunda kelasan, qo'l ochib,
You come to me at night, arms open,
So'ramasdan sen o'pasan,
Passing by without asking,
Yarim kechada bo'lsa ham, sim qoqib,
Even if it's midnight, you call,
Yulduzlarga boshlaysan.
And you start talking to the stars.
Sen go'zalim, sen asalim
"You are my beauty, my honey"
Deb aytding, yolg'izim,
You said, my only one,
Bu so'zlardan seni eslab,
Remembering you from these words,
I woke up.
Men unutib bo'ldim so'zlaringni,
I have forgotten your words,
Men unutib bo'ldim ko'zlaringni
I have forgotten your eyes
Bedor kechalarda unutmadim
On sleepless nights, I haven't forgotten
Qo'llaringni, qo'llaringni...
Your hands, your hands...
Men unutib bo'ldim alamlarni,
I have forgotten the sorrows,
Men unutib bo'ldim ko'z yoshlarni,
I have forgotten the tears,
Lekin mehringni nega? bilmadim!
But your love why? I don't know!
Unutmadim, unutmadim!
I haven't forgotten, I haven't forgotten!
Mendan uzrlar so'raysan o'tinib,
You apologize to me, pleading,
Sababini sen bilasan.
You know the reason why.
Ko'zlarimga boqqaningda men erib,
When you look into my eyes, I melt,
Jonim deb shivirlasam.
Whispering "my soul" as I do.
Menga gullarni tutasan chin dildan,
You hand me flowers with all your heart,
Maqsadlaring yashirmaysan,
You don't hide your intentions,
Men o'zimni unutganman qo'lingda
I forget myself in your hands
Va to'sqinlik qilmayman.
And I don't resist.
Sen go'zalim, sen asalim
"You are my beauty, my honey"
Deb aytding, yolg'izim,
You said, my only one,
Bu so'zlardan seni eslab,
Remembering you from these words,
I woke up.
Men unutib bo'ldim so'zlaringni,
I have forgotten your words,
Men unutib bo'ldim ko'zlaringni
I have forgotten your eyes
Bedor kechalarda unutmadim
On sleepless nights, I haven't forgotten
Qo'llaringni, qo'llaringni...
Your hands, your hands...
Men unutib bo'ldim alamlarni,
I have forgotten the sorrows,
Men unutib bo'ldim ko'z yoshlarni,
I have forgotten the tears,
Lekin mehringni nega? bilmadim!
But your love why? I don't know!
Unutmadim, unutmadim!
I haven't forgotten, I haven't forgotten!

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