Sokół - Nie Lekceważ Nas - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sokół - Nie Lekceważ Nas

Nie Lekceważ Nas
Don't Underestimate Us
Wszyscy co nam źle życzyli, mówili byśmy skończyli
All those who wished us ill, said we would end
To w tej chwili zobaczyli jak bardzo się pomylili
Now they saw how wrong they were
Połączyliśmy siły słowami ponad granicami
We joined forces with words beyond borders
Między nami sami nazwani przez świat słowianami
Among us are only those called by the world Slavs
Mamy moc, przebicie i jak nikt łeb do picia
We have the power, the penetration, and like no one else, a head for drinking
Nie lekceważ nas, ponieważ cały świat jest do zdobycia
Don't underestimate us, baby, because the whole world is there for the taking
Som patriot jak kokot, kokot
I'm a patriot like a rooster, rooster
Zastupujem Tatry jak sedemsto kokotov, ty chobot
Representing the Tatras like seven hundred roosters, you mug
Nejeb sa mi do cesty, som presný jak Chlpo
Don't get in my way, I'm precise like Chlpo
Sto kurev mi kryje chrbat, ty drbo
A hundred whores have my back, you scumbag
Vova zi L'vova ne odyn zi mnoyu vsi slovyany
Vova from Lviv is not alone, all Slavs are with me
Polyaky, Serby, Khorvaty, Blohary, Rosiyany
Poles, Serbs, Croats, Bulgarians, Russians
Khtos' tverezyy, dekhto pyanyy, ye dzentel'meny y khulihany
Some are sober, some are drunk, there are gentlemen and hooligans
Tomu krashche davay dali khovay svoyi nahany
It's better for you to put your guns away
Nas nadto bahato v tebe mozhut' zyavytysya rany
There are too many of us, you might get hurt
My yakraz vchasno, ty - abo nadto pizno, abo zarano
We are right on time, you are either too late or too early
My tut davno y nadovho viz'mem povahu i poshanu
We have been here for a long time and we will take respect and honor
Doky tsya pisnya bude lunaty vid Donu do Syanu
As long as this song plays from the Don to the San
Nema me, nitko ne zna da svi bi htjeli
I'm not there, nobody knows, but everybody wants me
Krenimo rokat ko da karte djeli
Let's start rocking like we're dealing cards
Kat bi smjeli makli bi me ali prevruć je
If you could, you'd get rid of me, but it's the opposite
Elemental da ti predveće za porniće
Elemental will give you an intro to porn
Dok ti drkas u mraku ja rusim sve
While you're jerking off in the dark, I'm destroying everything
Ne znas da vtrim i tvoje frendove
You don't know that we can handle your friends too
Uvijek fina nikad dama nemoj milsit da me znas
Always nice, never a lady, don't think you know me
Ak mi ne ides niz dlaku odma ispadas
If you don't go with my grain, you're out
Direktno od papokot na svetot
Straight from the Balkans to the world
Bibliskoto geto
The biblical ghetto
Kade od pekolot e pozheshko vo zemyata na teshkoto
Where it's hotter than hell in the land of the hard
Rodnata grudka na humanizmot, terorizmot
The homeland of humanism, terrorism
Slavyanskata pismenost, kosmopolitizmot
Slavic literacy, cosmopolitanism
Od Vardar do Karpatite poseyan slavyanskiot gen
From Vardar to the Carpathians, the Slavic gene is sown
Eden za site - site za eden!
One for all - all for one!
A S.A.F. zhezhe i peche kako vrelo olovo
And S.A.F. is boiling and burning like hot lead
2007 leto gospodovo
2007, the year of the Lord
Skolko bul'b vyrastet na nashei gryadke?
How many bulbs will grow on our chest?
Vsyo v poryadke - hvatit!
Everything is in order - enough!
Chtoby zhit' v dostatke
To live in abundance
Pust segodnya nemnogo sudbyi strogi
Let fate be a little strict today
Budziem razam, pieramozam - slava Bohu!
We'll be together, we'll win - glory to God!
Eschyo est siliy, eschyo ne otstali teni
There's still strength, the shadows haven't fallen yet
S chistym serdtsem my - s goryachei krov'u v venah
With a pure heart we - with hot blood in our veins
Iz Belarusi svetloy nesu ya svoy rasskaz
From bright Belarus, I bring my story
Znay: nelzya nedootsenivat nas!
Know: you can't underestimate us!
Nie lekceważ nigdy nas
Don't you ever underestimate us
Nie lekceważ nigdy nas
Don't you ever underestimate us
Nie lekceważ nigdy nas
Don't you ever underestimate us
Nie lekceważ nigdy nas
Don't you ever underestimate us
Sami spostowani Slovani so klele zbrani
The most respected Slavs with sworn weapons
Cas je da podrejo vse meje, weje, razsirjo ideje
It's time to break down all boundaries, woes, expand ideas
Dobijo rime, rodijo, zazwijo, da nardimo skupen projekt
Get rhymes, give birth, wrap them up, let's make a project together
Krtko bo vecji efekt
There will be a bigger effect in short
Zmer vec folka nas bo slisal, dal na glas in ne utislal
More and more people will hear us, speak out loud and not be silenced
Nas podperal in stisal, nekam delec naprej
Supported and pushed us somewhere further
To je zecetn moment, slovanske naveze fundament in
This is the initial moment, the foundation of Slavic ties and
Ce se jebal bote z nami na wasih nogah bo cement!
If you're messing with us, there will be cement on your feet!
Izas'o iz bloka, zna me ceo kraj
I came out of the block, the whole hood knows me
Beograd sam osvojio, zapalio world-wide
I conquered Belgrade, set it on fire world-wide
Il "G" sine, prosto, sine
Il "G" son, it's simple, son
Sve se zatrese cim zinem 100% sine
Everything shakes when I say 100% son
Co na to rządy, co węszący, bo na pewno
What do governments say, what do those who are sniffing say, because for sure
Niejednego z nich dziś boli nasza jedność
More than one of them is hurting today because of our unity
Kryminalne kraje wykrwawiają się od lat
Criminal countries have been bleeding for years
Masz słowiański rap, nie radzę lekceważyć nas
You got Slavic rap, I don't advise underestimating us
jsem slovanskej bůh, vidíš?
I am the Slavic god, you see?
srdce tepe, bum, bum cejtíš?
My heart beats, boom, boom, you feel it?
Nevíš to, kam patříš, sedíš, a žvaníš
You don't know where you belong, you sit and whine
Jsme tu, počítej s náma, slyšíš?
We are here, count on us, you hear?
Východní vítr a východní styl
Eastern wind and eastern style
Západní nuda a smrad, málo sil
Western boredom and stench, little strength
S náma nevyjebeš, nás nedostaneš
You can't fuck with us, you can't get us
Vim, co dělam, jdi pryč, nevojebeš
I know what I'm doing, get out, you won't fuck me
Iskusstvo, slovo, navyk, umenie
Art, word, skill, mastery
Pobedy, oshibki, rabota, terpenie
Victories, mistakes, work, patience
Stremlenie, poisk, poeziya, muzyka
Aspiration, search, poetry, music
Eto ne prikol uzhe, vse ser'iozno, chuvstvuesh?
It's not a joke anymore, it's serious, you feel it?
Rap, skretch, ritm, rifma
Rap, scratch, rhythm, rhyme
Mudrost', molodost', talant, stimul
Wisdom, youth, talent, stimulus
Ligalize zdes', Moskva v dvadcat' pervom weke
Legalize here, Moscow in the 21st century
Reprezent, Rossiya na slavyanskom treke!
Represent, Russia on the Slavic track!
Frenk-te-tenk a.k.a tvoi daddy
Frenk-te-tenk a.k.a your daddy
Reperi ginu u svakoj pjesmi kao Kenny
Rappers die in every song like Kenny
Stil ti je lazan kao spijace Reebok
Your style is fake like Reebok sneakers
Ovdje je kriminal visok - Evropa istok
Crime is high here - Eastern Europe
Na majku si los, seljak
You're bad to your mother, peasant
Ja predstavlja Bosnu kao cevap, merk i sevdah
I represent Bosnia like cevapcici, Mercedes and sevdah
Ako se budes mrdno, stradas smrtno
If you move, you die
Kralj Bosne, Andan Tvrtko
King of Bosnia, Andan Tvrtko
Nie lekceważ nigdy nas (nie lekceważ nas)
Don't you ever underestimate us (don't underestimate us)
Nie lekceważ nigdy nas
Don't you ever underestimate us
Nie lekceważ nigdy nas (nie, nie, nie.)
Don't you ever underestimate us (no, no, no.)
Nie lekceważ nigdy nas
Don't you ever underestimate us
Vse kar vem, kar znam, kar mam
Everything I know, everything I can do, everything I have
Vse to je moje in tega ne dam!
It's all mine and I won't give it away!
Nezajebavat se znam
I know how to not fuck around
Dobu se proloznost v tujini izdam
I'll release my debut abroad
To dobra je poteza, slovanska naveza
It's a good move, a Slavic connection
Cakte ns da uletimo se do vs!
You're inviting us to fly to you!
Odpite klube, nj se party zacne
We'll drink up your clubs, let the party begin
Kdor se z nami zajebava raj vn ne gre!
Whoever fucks with us won't go to heaven!
A ide Čistych, skurvysyni, zajebávať svoje rymy
And Čistý comes in, motherfuckers, to fuck up his rhymes
No svoje rymy idú s inými, aj s vami slovanskými
But his rhymes go with others, including you Slavic ones
Z mojich textov ide pravda, ulica, piča aj krimi
My lyrics are about truth, the streets, pussy and crime
Nemám limit, necpem sa nikomu, v riť sa nedám skriviť
I have no limits, I don't suck up to anyone, I won't let anyone bend me over
Hej Sloveni, jos ste zivi
Hey Slavs, you are still alive
Vas duh zivi jos u nama
Your spirit still lives in us
Nismo braćo sami krivi
We brothers are not the only ones to blame
Vazduh pun je podlog sljama
The air is full of vile scum
Oprostaja sad je dosta
That's enough forgiveness now
Zato pravo, svi u napad
So straight ahead, everyone attack
Neka kleknu svi sad dole
Let everyone kneel now
Nek nam Slavska zivi snaga
May our Slavic strength live long
Kto wytycza nowy szlak? to ZIP Skład, a jak
Who sets the new path? It's ZIP Skład, and how
Ten pakt przypieczętował Słowak, ten słowiański rap
This pact was sealed by a Slovak, this Slavic rap
Zobacz ile flag przez jeden track, jeden świat
Look how many flags through one track, one world
Jest obok siebie jak brat, tak rap jednoczy nasz świat
It's next to each other like a brother, so rap unites our world
Jazdím na chrómoch ty chrochot, som chorý kokot
I ride a lame horse, you wheeze, I'm a sick rooster
Som intelektualny lyrik, serus bracho
I'm an intellectual lyricist, brother Serus
Najebte sa s nami, som legenda jak grófo
Fuck with us, I'm a legend like a count
To je slovanský kompót
This is a Slavic compote
Kazdyiy weekend tyisyachi na nashih party
Every weekend thousands at our parties
Press na karmane, u menya vsyo poryade
Press on the pockets, I'm all right
Kto etot paren? XL Deluxe
Who is this guy? XL Deluxe
Tam, gde u tebya minus u menya vsegda plyus
Where you have a minus, I always have a plus
Show time s vami, tusa nachinaetsya
Show time with you, the party begins
Green cash v dele - igra prodolzhaetsya
Green cash is in the game - the game continues
Se DJ Max Czerny, DJ Max Czerny
This is DJ Max Czerny, DJ Max Czerny
Zkoušel to Hitler, zkoušel to i Švéd
Hitler tried it, the Swede tried it too
Každý to nechal, jenom slzy a co nakrad, odvez
Everyone left it, only tears and what they stole, take it away
Zkoušel to Rakous, měl pěknej vous
The Austrian tried it, he had a nice beard
Hele, náš papa Švejk ho do prdele kous
Look, our daddy Švejk bit him in the ass
My jsme Slovani, nepodceňuj nás
We are Slavs, don't underestimate us
Jebal nás komouš, ale nezlomil nás hlas
The commies fucked us, but they didn't break our voice
Musíte počítat s námi celá Evropa
You have to reckon with us, all of Europe
jste Čechy dvakrat prodali, jo, po vás potopa
You already sold the Czechs twice, yeah, after you the deluge
Nie lekceważ nigdy nas (nigdy nas)
Don't you ever underestimate us (never us)
Nie lekceważ nigdy nas (nigdy, nigdy)
Don't you ever underestimate us (never, never)
Nie lekceważ nigdy nas (nigdy nas)
Don't you ever underestimate us (never us)
Nie lekceważ nigdy nas
Don't you ever underestimate us
Od Devdelije do Triglava, Beograda do Varsave
From Devdelija to Triglav, Belgrade to Warsaw
Svi ko jedno u cvor vezali smo zastave
All as one, we tied our flags in a knot
To sam sto sam i ne zelim da se promenim
I am who I am and I don't want to change
To je taj mentalitet, jebeni koreni!
This is that mentality, fucking roots!
Chłopaków od Belgradu przez Warszawę do Moskwy
Boys from Belgrade through Warsaw to Moscow
Doceń (doceń) wcześniej stajemy się dorośli
Appreciate it (appreciate it) sooner we become adults
A jak widzisz słowiańską dziewczynę od razu jej chcesz
And when you see a Slavic girl you want her right away
Jak miałeś to wiesz, jak z nią jest, jak nie to cześć
If you had her you know what she's like, if not, hello
I spensyata kaza - mnogo mi e pryatno!
And the piggy bank said - I'm very pleased!
Estestweno, shte se vturkam adekwatno
Naturally, I will fit in adequately
V tozi trak. Prosto nyama kak
In this track. There's no other way
Nali sum rapur
I'm a rapper, after all
Edna ot rimite mi tryabva da e na fakt!
One of my rhymes has to be on point!
V edno sus vsichki y moyata akapela shte brodi
Together with everyone, my acapella will roam
V uszite na slavyanskite narodi
In the ears of the Slavic people
Zdravo brat, misli si - bulgarska gad
Hello brother, think to yourself - Bulgarian bastard
Tova e samo pogled shtoto sum bradat
It's just a look because I'm bearded
Sme organizovaní, oddaní, volaní
We are organized, dedicated, called
Odhodlaní robiť na čo sme povolaní
Determined to do what we are called to do
Pod domami v suchu máš rap neomamný
Under the houses in the dry you have rap not intoxicating
Ak sa chceš jebať do nás, tak ta vlna je jak cunami
If you want to fuck with us, that wave is like a tsunami
Za sve nase zemje - pesnice gore
For all our countries - fists up
Za pobedu pesme svi nek se mole
Let everyone pray for the victory of the song
Ajmo samo tako, svi za jednog, jedan za sve
Let's go just like that, all for one, one for all
Svi zvucnike na on jer pocinje predavanje
All speakers on because the lecture is about to begin
Byt' dobru, v serdtse vera v svyatom Kriste
To be kind, to have faith in the holy Christ in your heart
Pishut' patsany za zhizn' na svoyom liste
The boys are writing about life on their own list
Ne dlya togo, chtoby pozlat' v pozolote
Not to get gilded in gold
Tak vospitala mat', lyudi na bolote
This is how my mother raised me, people in the swamp
I slava Bogu, shto slozhilis' nashi dni tak
And thank God that our days turned out this way
Detskiye gody, ekh nishcheta-to
Childhood years, oh, poverty
Vospominaniya uzhe ne tak yasny
The memories are not so clear anymore
Gor'koy byl'yu inogada prikhodyat v sny
Sometimes they come to me in my dreams like bitter wormwood
Berezin, ya rodom iz Rossii
Berezin, I am from Russia
Schitai mena hip-hap messiei
Consider me a hip-hop messiah
Slavyanskiy stil' podoben ognennoi stihii
Slavic style is like a fiery element
Plus, eto russkii rap, pochuvstvui silu
Plus, this is Russian rap, feel the power
Slova! Kogda ya u mikrofona
Words! When I'm at the microphone
Raskal'ayu dobela zaly i stadiony
I split halls and stadiums in two
Mne ne nuzhna korona Izhivoi slavi
I don't need a crown of living glory
Ya rodom s ulic, respekt bratvi - moya nagrada!
I come from the streets, respect from my brothers is my reward!
Nie lekceważ nigdy nas (nigdy nas)
Don't you ever underestimate us (never us)
Nie lekceważ nigdy nas (nigdy, nigdy)
Don't you ever underestimate us (never, never)
Nie lekceważ nigdy nas (nigdy nas)
Don't you ever underestimate us (never us)
Nie lekceważ nigdy nas
Don't you ever underestimate us

Авторы: Rafal Poniedzielski, Anze Kolenc, Adnan Hamidovic, Michal Opletal, Mirela Priselac, Dimitry Michnievic, Daniel Chladek, Wojciech Sosnowski, Michal Straka, Alexey Lyalin, Dalibor Bogojevic, Vladimir Broz, Volodymyr Parfeniuk, Nejc Kofler, Vladimir Jurosevic, Denis Berezin, Goce Trpkov, Robert Jacek Majewski

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