Sophia - 情熱のプライド - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sophia - 情熱のプライド

Pride of passion
綺麗だけの毎日ならば 毒が欲しくなり
If every day was just about beauty I would crave poison
汚れてるの汚れているの 真っ白になりたい
I'm dirty, I'm dirty, I want to be pure
ないものをねだってばかり 本当に欲しいものはない
I keep begging for what I don't have, I don't have what I really want
他人ならかばってられない 最悪は今のままでいい
I can't stand up for others, it would be worst if things stayed the same
冷めた時代と誰も諦めてく それが悔しくて
In this cold era, everyone gives up, and that makes me resentful
溢れる涙 情熱は確かにこの胸の中
Tears are overflowing, passion is certainly in my heart
叫んでる say no! このままじゃ何も変わらない
I'm screaming, say no! Nothing will change if we stay like this
足早に過ぎてく 焦るばかりで打ち明けられないbaby
Time passes quickly, all I do is worry and I can't open up to you, baby
だけど眼差しは 小さくとも胸に咲いたプライド
But in your gaze, even though it's small, there's a pride that blossoms in my chest
悲しい詩を悲しく唄う なんて悲しすぎる
To sing a sad poem sadly is too sad
希望を持てなんて言っても 真実味にかける
Even if you tell me to have hope, it doesn't ring true
ないものをねだってばかり 本当に欲しいものはない
I keep begging for what I don't have, I don't have what I really want
他人ならかばってられない 最悪は今のままでいい
I can't stand up for others, it would be worst if things stayed the same
届かない詩を声高らかに 唄う気はない
I have no intention of singing a poem that no one will hear
君には届け もし今も夜明けに怯えるなら
If you're afraid of the dawn even now, I want to reach you
僕だってそうさ かいかぶりの自分に負けそうになる
I'm the same, I almost lose to the me who keeps my head down
綱渡りの日々で 全て投げ出しやめちゃいたくなるけど
In these tightrope-walking days, I want to give up and quit everything
足下ごらんよ 割れたアスファルトに咲いたプライド
But look at your feet, the pride that blooms on the cracked asphalt
ないものはねだってもない 本当に欲しいならとれ
You can't beg for what you don't have, if you really want it, take it
他人でも救ってくれる 最高の出逢いもあるさ
Even strangers can save you, there are amazing encounters
冷めた時代と誰も諦め 冷めた世代と誰も諦め
In this cold era, everyone gives up, in this cold generation, everyone gives up
冷めた自分と誰もが諦める そんなはずはない
In my coldness, I give up, that can't be right
溢れる涙 情熱は確かにこの胸の中
Tears are overflowing, passion is certainly in my heart
叫んでる say no! このままじゃ何も変わらない
I'm screaming, say no! Nothing will change if we stay like this
足早に過ぎてく 焦るばかりで打ち明けられないbaby
Time passes quickly, all I do is worry and I can't open up to you, baby
だけど眼差しは 潤んだ瞳に青空を映して
But in your gaze, the sky is reflected in your moist eyes
綱渡りの日々で 全て投げ出しやめちゃいたくなるけど
In these tightrope-walking days, I want to give up and quit everything
足下ごらんよ 割れたアスファルトに咲いた小さな名もない花 君の胸のプライド
But look at your feet, the small, nameless flower that blooms on the cracked asphalt, the pride in your heart

Авторы: 松岡 充, 松岡 充

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