1 The Jokesmith"s (Recorded 1906)
2 Flanagan at the Barbers (Recorded 1907)
3 Flanagan on a New Year's Call (Recorded 1908)
4 A Rural Argument (Recorded 1908)
5 Flanagan on a Farm (Recorded 1908)
6 O' Brians Automobile (Recorded 1908)
7 The Laughing Spectator (Recorded 1908)
8 A Trip to Buffalo (Recorded 1908)
9 Flanagan at the Doctors (Recorded 1908)
10 An Irish Dutch Argument (Recorded 1909)
11 Christmas Morning at Clancy's (Recorded 1909)
12 Clancy's Wooden Wedding (Recorded 1909)
13 At a Dog Fight (Recorded 1910)
14 Flanagan's Motor Car (Recorded 1910)
15 The Piano Tuner (Recorded 1911)
16 Mr. Dooley's Address to the Suffragists (Recorded 1911)
17 Two Rubes Swapping Horses (Recorded 1911)
18 The Village Barber (Recorded 1911)
19 The Oldtime Street Fakir (Recorded 1911)
20 Flanagan's Real Estate Deal (Recorded 1920)
21 Flanagan's Troubles in a Restaurant (Recorded 1920)
22 Christmas Morning at Clancys (Recorded 1926)
23 Clancy's Wooden Wedding (Recorded 1926)
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