Sukimaswitch - Ice Cream Syndrome - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sukimaswitch - Ice Cream Syndrome

Ice Cream Syndrome
Ice Cream Syndrome
関係はいたってフラットだ 何でも話せるくらいかな
Our relationship is totally platonic, we can talk about anything.
付き合いは長いが 何も変わらないよな
We've known each other for a long time, but nothing has changed.
せっかく用意したムードも 茶化されて終わってしまうんだよ
Every mood I try to set, you just laugh it off.
打ち明けられないまま カッコもつかないまま
I can't confess my feelings, I just end up looking foolish.
太陽は暑く照っている Tシャツが汗ばんでいる
The sun is blazing hot, my t-shirt is damp with sweat.
ジメッとした僕みたい いつまでも乾かないや
Just like me, I feel sticky and can't seem to dry off.
逃げ込んで入ったコンビニ 懐かしいコミックを購入
I ducked into a convenience store and bought a nostalgic comic book.
君がいればどうかな 一緒に笑えるかな
I wonder if it would be different if you were here. Could we laugh together?
もう何年演じているんだろう 親友としてのキャスティング
I wonder how many years I've been playing this role, cast as your best friend.
距離感はいいんだが でも本音を言えばツライや
The distance is comfortable, but honestly, it's painful.
相談しやすいっていうけど いつも君の恋愛トーク
You say I'm easy to talk to, but it's always about your love life.
微妙な心の中 バレないようにして
I try to hide my conflicted feelings, hoping you don't notice.
この目の奥に映っている笑顔を 僕だけのモノにしたいんだ
I want that smile reflected in your eyes to be just for me.
I wish I could somehow burn it into my memory.
I gently peek through the finder,
and you seem so much further away than I imagined.
Someday you'll disappear with someone else.
I look up and see a jet slicing the blue sky in two.
遥か空へ 夏が飛んでいく
Far into the sky, summer flies away.
季節がもう 過ぎていく
The season is already passing by.
陽炎の中で立っている 不器用なだけのボンクラ
I stand in the shimmering heat, just a clumsy fool.
ぼやけている世界でも 君だけは歪まないや
Even in this blurry world, you're the only thing in focus.
友情って名前のシンドローム 出口のない永久迷路
This syndrome called friendship, an endless maze with no exit.
動くのも怖いから 踏み出せないでいる
I'm too afraid to move, I can't take a step.
食べようとしていたはずのアイスクリーム ベタベタに溶けていたんだ
The ice cream I was about to eat has melted into a sticky mess.
Fate doesn't wait, does it?
会いたい すぐにでも
I want to see you, right now.
Maybe I should invite you out, in a more serious tone than usual.
If I could just whisk you away,
maybe I could finally confess these bottled-up feelings.
あぁ そう、ファインダーを覗いたら
Ah, yes, if I peek through the finder,
I hope to see you close enough to touch.
Happiness doesn't diminish just because it's shared.
Every moment with you seems to sparkle.

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