Supreme Team - 그 때 (feat. Brian) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Supreme Team - 그 때 (feat. Brian)

그 때 (feat. Brian)
그 때 (feat. Brian)
Mama said 4살 때였대
Mama said was 4 years old.
밖에 업고 나가면
If you get me out there and you get me out there
모두가 예뻐 했었대
Everyone was pretty.
엄마 아빤 서로 자길 닮아서
Mom and dad look like each other.
잘나게 태어난 거라고
He was born good.
티격대곤 하셨어
You used to beat him.
요요 팽이치기 미니카로
By Yo-yo Tautogi Minicar
세상이 즐겁기만 했던 초교 시절
Early school days when the whole world was just fun
심부름 시킨 돈으로 몰래
Sneak in the money you gave me your errand.
오락실 갔다가
I went to the entertainment room.
발가벗은 채로 혼도 났지
I was naked and I was honed.
사복에서 교복
Plain uniform in school uniform
도시락에서 급식
Feed from lunch box
놀이터에서 모니터
Monitor in the playground
5교시에서 8교시
Lesson 5 to lesson 8
환경이 바뀌면서 반항도 늘었어
As the environment changed, my defiance increased.
성적표 땜에 잔머리도 많이 굴렸어
I rolled a lot of my head when I hit the report card.
목표한 대학 가는거
The goal is to go to college.
실패 했어도
Even if I failed.
전공이랑 전혀 다른
It's completely different from my major.
길을 선택 했어도
Even if you chose your way
번듯한 직장 가진 친구들 부럽게
I don't envy my friends with a busy job.
살아왔지 9살에 적은
I've been living at 9 years old.
꿈을 이뤘기에
I made my dream come true.
세상에 길들었어 조금은 찌들었어
Oh, my god, I'm a little bit stung.
가끔 천진난만하던 때로
Sometimes it was ingenuous.
돌아가고 싶어
I want to go back.
철들었어 조금은 찌들었어
It's iron. It's a little bit stung.
가끔 천진난만하던 때로
Sometimes it was ingenuous.
돌아가고 싶은데
I want to go back.
어떤걸 위해 내가 태어 났는지
For what I was born
태어나던 내가 알았을지
I knew when I was born.
아무것도 모른채 그냥 울었겠지
You didn't know anything, you just cried.
내가 아들이라 기뻐하는
I'm glad I'm a son.
아빠의 품에서
In Dad's arms
처음 보고 처음 듣는게 많던
I've seen a lot of things and heard a lot of things.
유년기의 기억은 자세하지 않아서
Childhood memories aren't detailed.
어렴풋하게만 떠올리다가
I'm just thinking about it, and I'm just thinking about it.
중고등학교 쯤으로
I was in middle and high school, and I was like, " Oh, my god."
기억을 넘기지 억울한 많고
I can't pass on memories. There's a lot of chagrin.
하고 싶어도 참아야 되는 많던
Even if you want to do it, there's a lot you have to put up with.
시절엔 삐뚤어지기도
He's crooked in those days.
치열해지기도 하며
It's fierce.
멋대로 커지려는 열등감 이기며
It's an inferiority complex that wants to grow.
10대의 마지막에서 20대로
From the last of 10 to the last of 20
예민하고 화나있던 상태 그대로
Stay that sensitive, angry state.
시간 보냈지 그리고 오늘
I've spent all my time and today.
몇가지는 변했고 몇가지는 여전해
Some things have changed, some things are still.
세상에 길들었어 조금은 찌들었어
Oh, my god, I'm a little bit stung.
가끔 천진난만하던 때로
Sometimes it was ingenuous.
돌아가고 싶어
I want to go back.
철들었어 조금은 찌들었어
It's iron. It's a little bit stung.
가끔 천진난만하던 때로
Sometimes it was ingenuous.
돌아가고 싶은데
I want to go back.
지금은 어릴 나보다
Now I'm younger than I am.
머리도 커졌지만 일부러
My hair has grown, but I'm on purpose.
어른인 하지 않아
Why don't you pretend to be an adult?
작은 승리들을 잃고 싶지 않아
I don't want to lose small victories.
내일을 어제보다 늙어버린
Tomorrow is older than yesterday.
표정으로 맞으며
I'm right with the look.
식어가는 모습 보이긴 싫어
I don't want to see you cool down.
죽어 가는 중이 아니거든
I'm not dying.
I'm always good
I'm always good
단지 선택의 연속
Just a continuation of the choice
세상에 길들었어 조금은 찌들었어
Oh, my god, I'm a little bit stung.
가끔 천진난만하던 때로
Sometimes it was ingenuous.
돌아가고 싶어
I want to go back.
철들었어 조금은 찌들었어
It's iron. It's a little bit stung.
가끔 천진난만하던 때로
Sometimes it was ingenuous.
돌아가고 싶은데
I want to go back.

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