Teitur - Hugsa positivt - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Teitur - Hugsa positivt

Hugsa positivt
Think Positive
Tað var við blandaðum kenslum at elefanturin fór
The elephant left with mixed emotions
Ein fílur kom í staðin og undranin var stór
An elephant came instead and the wonder was great
Síðan komu nógv onnur djór
Then came many other animals
Tað var rok í djóragarðinum
There was a stir in the zoo
Men eg kalli ein spaka fyri ein spaka
But I call a spade a spade
Ein apa fer altíð at vera ein apa í mínari frumskóg
A monkey will always be a monkey in my jungle
Tað nýggjasta orð í bókini er "jaligt"
The newest word in the book is "nice"
Tey flestu royna longu øll at brúka tað
Most are already trying to use it
Men at fara "jaligt" til verka merkir ikki nakað
But to go "nice" to work does not mean anything
At vera "jaligur" er bara at siga "já!"
To be "nice" is just to say "yes!"
Eg havi valt at hugsa positivt
I have chosen to think positively
Halda eyga við hvørjum tað endar við
Keeping an eye on where it ends
ímillum fólk eg møti
among the people I meet
Tað eru ikki nógv fólkasløg sum
There are not many ethnic groups who
Fegin læra sítt móðurmál av nýggjum
are happy to learn their native language again
Mitt í hesum hurlivasanum
In this turmoil
Vita ikki øll hvat tey tosa um
Not all know what they are talking about
Eg havi valt at hugsa positivt
I have chosen to think positively
Halda eyga við hvørjum tað endar við
Keeping an eye on where it ends
ímillum fólk á gøtuni
among the people on the street

Авторы: Teitur Lassen

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