1 The Real Housewives of Orange County
2 Game of Thrones
3 Teen Wolf
4 The Walking Dead
5 Pretty Little Liars
6 The Real Housewives of Miami
7 New Girl
8 Once Apon a Time
9 Revenge
10 The Real Housewives of New Jersey
11 The League
12 Sons of Anarchy
13 American Horror Story
14 Mythbusters
15 How I Met Your Mother
16 Southpark
17 True Blood
18 Madmen
19 The Real Housewives of New York City
20 Breaking Bad
21 Veep
22 Boardwalk Empire
23 Parks & Recreation
24 It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
25 Fringe
26 Dexter
27 Two And A Half Men
28 Community
29 Shameless
30 Castle
31 Grey's Anatomy
32 Robot Chicken
33 Persons of Interest
34 Dancing With The Stars
35 Bones
36 American Idol
37 Burn Notice
38 Curb Your Enthusiasm
39 The Tudors
40 Awkward
41 Boss
42 Deception
43 Downton Abbey
44 Falling Skies
45 Girls
46 Homeland
47 Kourtney and Khole Take Miami
48 The Real Houswives of Beverley Hills
49 Revolution
50 Scandal
51 The Following
52 The Killing
53 The Voice
54 Top Gear
55 Vikings (If I Had a Heart)
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