Timothy Brindle - Kingdom of God текст песни

Текст песни Kingdom of God - Timothy Brindle

Now let′s dive inside the Scriptures
Where we will define God's Kingdom
It′s His rule and reign and wide dominion from all times beginning
Genesis 1—God the King rules over all
16, for "rule" the Hebrew word
Used is mashal (מֶמְשָׁלהָ related to משל)
See His kingdom order:
Heavenly lights rule day and night,
But over birds, beasts, and the fish of water—
God makes man in His image and the distinction, is this:
He hands him dominion and commands him his mission:
To rule over the land and animals mentioned
By expansion, extension, advancing His kingdom
Through his grandsons and kinsmen
The Tree of Life stands for the reward
Of life God will grant him and give them
See God the Creator King who made all things
Made Adam His vice-king (i.e.,
Vice-regent) and the earth He gave to him (Ps. 115:16)
In His image He made him in to reign like Him:
Meaning to love righteousness and hate all sin!
Hence the other tree to distinguish good from evil
And extinguish anything that looks deceitful
Because as Yahweh separated light from dark—
King Adam was to discern and be wise in heart!
As God finished His work on day 7—He blessed it
Sat down on His Sabbath-Throne, in heaven He rested;
Thus if Adam obeys and endures the test
Then he'll sit on His Sabbath-Throne of glory rest
And creation will be transformed and blessed
How now is he ruled by sin and the chords of death?
You should put every one of the beasts under your feet
Including the Serpent, who comes in deceit!
You should have bruised and cursed him, and removed the Serpent
But you choose to serve him—now he rules as your king!
And since you forfeited to govern the kingdom
A Son of Adam/Son of Man will recover dominion!
The Kingdom of God is heaven breaking in
Since the Fall to abolish the reign of sin
To advance creation to its greater end
All Praise to the Son of Adam, Son of David King!
Then in the beginning pages, with sin's brutal entrance
Death, Satan, (and) sin is reigning—now we see there is 2 kingdoms:
God′s saving rule over His covenant people
And Satan′s slavish rule over those governed by evil
Because we see the word mashal (משל) "to rule" again
In Genesis 4 with Cain, but now sin is ruling him! (Gen. 4:7)
Yet see this crucial thing:
Chapter 17 God promises through Abraham
Will come those who are kings! (Gen. 17:6, 16)
So it's clear through Abraham′s family tree
God will bring about His saving reign for humanity
On 2 passages we have to gaze, about a Son of Adam's reign
That will happen in the latter days (בְּאַחֲרִ֥ית הַיָּמִֽים):
First, Jacob says the scepter won′t depart from Judah
So this specific tribe is set apart as Ruler (Chapter 49! [v. 10])
Then Balaam in Numbers 24 said:
A Scepter from Israel will crush the enemy's forehead! (Numb. 24:17)
He will suffer then be glorified it′s foreshadowed by Joseph
Working mighty acts of judgment, patterned by the staff of Moses
Kingdom precious laws expressed in the Decalogue (Ex. 20)
Blessings fall, if they're kept,
Lest you get His Scepter-Rod (Deut. 28)
In the book of Deuteronomy in chapter 17
The LORD gives His standard for the man that He will bless as king:
He'll keep the Law on his heart, the Torah He will guard
He won′t be haughty like Saul,
He′ll be in awe of his God! (Deut. 17:14-20)
Joshua's a ruler-figure!
Leading a kingdom of priests,
Carrying God′s throne on dry ground through the River (Josh. 3-5)
To drive out the brood of sinners
From the Land God promised them
So Joshua's slaughtering! (Josh. 6, 10-12)
Idolaters, they conquered them
Because these Gentile kingdoms are the embodiment of the demonic kin
Bringing the Ark of the Covenant (Josh. 3:3-17; 6:4-21)
And this is symbolizing that the
Kingdom of God is judging them (INTRUSION!)
These counterfeit kingdoms, now have an ending
Surrounded by the thousands of rowdy
Shouts that′s against them. (Josh. 6:16-21)
Because His judgment reserved for the end of time
INTRUDES into History by His set design (INTRUSION!)
Now we should discuss this:
Israel needs a wise human king,
That's the point of the Book of Judges (Judges 1:1-2; 18:1)
Because without a king who′s discerning good from evil
To idols they turn as perverted, crooked people (Judges 17:5-6; 21:25)
So David is God's choice as king (1 Sam. 16:1)
Anointed twice—privately then publicly
To his Greater Son this points to Him (1 Sam. 16:13; 2 Sam. 5:1-3)
Psalm 8—he sees himself as a second Adam
With the Majestic One David's impressed when asking:
"Who is man that You′re mindful of him
Or the Son of Adam (וּבֶן־אָ֜דָ֗ם) that You assign as a king?!?"
6 in the English—
Mashal (משל) is used, he
Says "you caused him to rule" (תַּמְשִׁילֵהוּ)
Because he′s given dominion
Thus the Judah-Ruler is him (Gen. 49:10; Judges 1:1-2)
Only David could dispossess and remove
Jebusites from Jerusalem (Josh. 15:63; Judges 1:21; 2 Sam
It's the Kingdom-City (Zion!)
If the kingdoms are submitting
David gives them pity or they′re smitten really quickly! (Ps. 2:10-12)
Though Solomon had a kingdom of peace
He's subdued by the dominion of sin and they slippery beast (Satan!)
He couldn′t line up to his own kingly wisdom
In Proverbs, because sin's throne is within men!
Though Solomon′s kingdom and fame extends
He and his sons couldn't put an end to the reign of sin
They're exiled, David′s royal line′s dethroned (2 Chr. 36:11-21)
But God's Faithfulness will in time be shown!
Because Yahweh′s Covenant Love won't be severed (Ps. 89:24-34)
He promised David′s Son must sin on his throne forever (Ps. 132:11)
Psalm 89—God will not lie to David! (Ps. 89:35-37)
He'll send the Lion of Judah,
To die and then raise Him!!! (Rev. 5:5-6)
The Kingdom of God is heaven breaking in
Since the Fall to abolish the reign of sin
To advance creation to its greater end
All Praise to the Son of Adam, Son of David King!
The Kingdom of God is an Old Testament Concept
Which was promised of old and stressed by
The Prophets (Daniel 2:31-35; 44-45; Obadiah 21)
The end-time Kingdom would bring in the Day of the LORD
To save His people,
And His foes get slain with the Sword! (Zeph. 1:7-2:3)
And there′s 2 Ages:
This Age, and the Age to Come—but the Age to Come has 2 phases
And the first phase has begun; (1 Cor. 10:11)
Because the heavenly-order is the
Kingdom proclaimed by the Son! (Mark 1:14-15)
The Kingdom of Heaven is already breaking through
To end the rule of death and Satan enslaving you
Because whether through (love of) jewelry or pearls
Or the beauty of a girl
Satan reigns as "the ruler of this
World" (John 12:31; 14:30; Eph. 2:2; 6:12)
So in the Gospel of Mark
The ministry of the Son of God has its start with this awesome remark:
"The time is fulfilled—His Kingdom is at hand" (Mark 1:14-15)
Because in the wilderness He
Overthrew the king over man (Luke 10:17-19)
Thus the Kingdom arrived, because the King had arrived
And its Inauguration was evidenced by its signs! (Matt. 4:23)
Think it's only future? You're wrong dude:
Demons cast out by the Spirit proves His
Kingdom has come upon you! (Matt. 12:22-29)
Bringing Heaven′s Assault to subject the revolt
Of Satan that affected us all and rescue our souls
It′s Satanic dethronement by
Ransom's Atonement (John 12:30-32; Col. 2:15)
Hence the "strong man" (ἰσχυρός) is bound by a
"Stronger" Man (ὁ ἰσχυρότερός) now! (Mark 1:7; 3:27)
I have got a lot to say about the βασιλεία
It′s about the Will of the Father,
Hence His Awesome Prayer! (Matt. 6:10)
But His Kingdom far surpasses expectations
To just rescue from Rome's oppressive nation
(It′s) more than Restoration and reclamation
Of what king-Adam lost to sin, death, and Satan;
But rather this Last Adam advances this wrecked creation
Unto its heavenly destination!
Through Him all His brethren risen
Solomonic Splendid Wisdom (Matt. 12:42)
He received all honor from the Father at
Ascension, given (Philip. 2:9-11; Eph. 1:20-21)
Resurrected to extend dominion through His blessed kinsman (Eph. 1:22)
(He) poured His Spirit out upon them,
Now we spread His Temple Kingdom! (Acts 2:33; 1:8)
The Resurrected Lord—indeed!
In Matthew 28 says "all authority" is restored to Me (Matt. 28:18-20)
So Jesus Reigns NOW (Rev. 12:10-12)
But you say, "HOW?"
His kingdom spreads through His
Suffering-Church and great trials (Rev. 1:9)
His reign's expressed through the Church;
The gates of hell can′t prevail (Matt. 16:18)
Because the power of His Resurrection exerts (Eph. 1:19-20)
Soon we'll rest from our works (Heb. 4:8-10)
And sit with Him on His Sabbath-Glory
Throne when He brings heaven to earth (Rev. 3:21)
This Psalm 72 King will save the poor (Ps. 72:2-4, 12-14; James 2:5)
With grace galore,
David's Son is really David′s "Lord" (
אֲדניִֹ Adonai)! (Ps. 110:1; Matt. 22:41-46)
But whose ever heard of an All-Compassionate Potentate
Who calls His Royal Children to cry out at His Throne of Grace
Now to the Christian living in enslavement to porn
Know that over you sin doesn′t reign anymore
Because through your Union with Christ, you're raised with the Lord
There′s been a breach with sin—a deep change at the core!
Deep within your inner being
The Spirit of the King is seated
(Plus) Jesus is your Priest-King who's continually interceding
No longer slaves to sinning, by faith we′re in Him
Transferred from Satan's reign to
His New Creation Kingdom (Col. 1:13-14)
BUT NOT YET in the full bliss of its Wholeness (Rev. 11:15)
"Come, Lord Jesus!
" Bring the Kingdom in its Fullness! (1 Cor. 15:24-26)
We await the full bliss of its Wholeness (Rev. 21:10, 22:1-5)
"Come, Lord Jesus!" Bring the Kingdom in its Fullness! (Hallelujah)
The Kingdom of God is His Saving Rule
Through King Jesus whose reign is true
Sin, death, and Satan, He′ll straight subdue
Right Now—all things are being made
His stool (1 Cor. 15:24-26; Ps. 110) 2x
The Kingdom of God is heaven breaking in
Since the Fall to abolish the reign of sin
To advance creation to its greater end
All Praise to the Son of Adam, Son of David King!

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