Ulug'bek Rahmatullaev - Onam - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ulug'bek Rahmatullaev - Onam

Tunlari chirog'im,
You are my lamp at night,
Kunduzi quyoshim,
My sun during the day,
Siz borsiz, behuda
With you by my side,
To'kilmas yoshim.
My tears won't fall in vain.
Mehringiz oldida egarman boshim,
Before your kindness, I bow my head,
Mehriga minnatlar qo'shmagan onam,
My mother, who never complained about her love,
Otam ardog'idan tushmagan onam.
My mother, who never fell from my father's grace.
Dil bergan do'st ba'zan dildosh bo'lolmas,
A friend who gives their heart may not always understand,
Jon tikib, joningga jondosh bo'lolmas.
Devoting their life, they may not be your soulmate.
Hech kimsa siz kabi sirdosh bo'lolmas,
No one can be a confidant like you,
Umrini umrimga to'shagan onam,
My mother, who dedicated her life to mine,
Otam ardog'idan tushmagan onam.
My mother, who never fell from my father's grace.
Onam, onam, onam,
Mother, mother, mother,
Mehribon onam.
My kind mother.
Bir umr bolam deb
My mother who lived for me her whole life,
Yashagan onam, xokisor onam.
My humble mother.
Ko'zimdan dardlarim anglaganimsiz,
You understood my sorrows from my eyes,
Yurakdan gaplarim tinglaganimsiz,
You listened to the words from my heart,
Men deya halovat bilmaganimsiz,
You never knew peace for my sake,
Bolam deb, bolam deb, yashagan onam,
My mother, who lived for me, for me,
Otam ardog'idan tushmagan onam.
My mother, who never fell from my father's grace.
Onam, onam, onam,
Mother, mother, mother,
Mehribon onam.
My kind mother.
Bir umr bolam deb
My mother who lived for me her whole life,
Yashagan onam, xokisor onam.
My humble mother.
Boladay yashardim ulg'aygan sari,
I lived like a child as I grew older,
Ey mehri mukarram, umrim gavhari.
Oh, my respected love, the gem of my life.
Vaqt o'tib, ko'zlari jim qarashlari
As time passes, her eyes gaze silently
Tobora buvimga o'xshagan onam,
My mother, who increasingly resembles my grandmother,
Otam ardog'idan tushmagan onam.
My mother, who never fell from my father's grace.
Onam, onam, onam,
Mother, mother, mother,
Mehribon onam.
My kind mother.
Bir umr bolam deb
My mother who lived for me her whole life,
Yashagan onam, xokisor onam.
My humble mother.

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