William G. James feat. Catherine Riley, Sydney Philharmonia Motet Choir & Antony Walker - The Silver Stars are in the Sky текст песни

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William G. James feat. Catherine Riley, Sydney Philharmonia Motet Choir & Antony Walker - An Australian Christmas

1 Wassails and Lullabies: Percussion Interlude - The Coventry Carol
2 Carol of the Birds
3 The Silver Stars are in the Sky
4 Christmas Day
5 The Three Drovers
6 Christmas Bush for His Adorning
7 The Day that Christ was Born on
8 Sing Gloria
9 The Little Town where Christ was Born
10 Christmas Night
11 Noel-Time
12 The Christmas Tree
13 Our Lady of December
14 Golden Day
15 Country Carol
16 Merry Christmas
17 Quem Quaeritis: Fader of Hevene
18 Quem Quaeritis: Haill! Quene of Heven
19 Quem Quaeritis: The Lorde that Lay in Asse Stalle
20 Quem Quaeritis: Now the Most High is Borne
21 Quem Quaeritis: Nowell in Bethlehem
22 Ring Out, Wild Bells
23 Puer Natus in Bethlehem
24 This Christmas Night
25 The Burning Babe
26 Awake, Glad Heart
27 Wassails and Lullabies: The Song of the Nuns of Chester
28 Wassails and Lullabies: The Corpus Christi Carol I (refrain)
29 Wassails and Lullabies: The Gloucestershire Wassail
30 Wassails and Lullabies: The Corpus Christi Carol II (verse and refrain)
31 Wassails and Lullabies: This Endris Night
32 Wassails and Lullabies: Susanni
33 Wassails and Lullabies: The Corpus Christi Carol IV (verse and refrain)
34 Wassails and Lullabies: The Corpus Christi Carol V (2 verses and refrain)
35 Wassails and Lullabies: The Boar's Head Carol

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