Zdravko Čolić - Zlocin I Kazna - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Zdravko Čolić - Zlocin I Kazna

Zlocin I Kazna
Crime and Punishment
Samo ti si znala moj kod,
Only you knew my code,
Moju narav bolje od svih.
My nature better than anyone else.
Kad mi treba sidro za brod,
When I need an anchor for my boat,
Kad mi treba rima za stih.
When I need a rhyme for a verse.
Ne znam kad je poslo na zlo,
I don't know when it turned into evil,
Sitne lazi, sumnje i strah.
Petty lies, doubts and fears.
A kad zvijezda padne na tlo,
But when a star falls to the ground,
Vise nije zvijeza neg' prah.
It is no longer a star, but dust.
Kazna je sto pamtim tvoj smijeh,
The punishment is that I remember your laughter,
Kazna je sto suvise znam.
The punishment is that I know too much.
Zlocin je sto prizivas grijeh.
The crime is that you provoke sin.
I jos brines dal' zivim sam.
And you still care if I live alone.
Kazna je taj zivot za gros,
The punishment is that life for a penny,
Kazna je zig dodira tvog.
The punishment is your touch's scar.
Zlocin je sto volis me jos,
The crime is that you still love me,
Bog nek' prosti, zato je Bog.
May God forgive, that's why He's God.
I jos jedan tamno siv grad,
And another dark gray city,
Nova prazna boca uz skut.
A new empty bottle by skirt.
I jos jedan hotel k'o Had;
And another hotel like Hades;
I jos jedna zena pred put.
And another woman before the trip.
A, kraj tebe opet lik nov,
And beside you is again a new face,
Novi izgovor za zlu kob.
A new excuse for evil fate.
Dal' ti treba sesir ili krov?
Do you need a hat or a roof?
Dal' ti treba gazda ili rob?
Do you need a master or a slave?
Kazna je sto pamtim tvoj smijeh,
The punishment is that I remember your laughter,
Kazna je sto suvise znam.
The punishment is that I know too much.
Zlocin je sto prizivas grijeh.
The crime is that you provoke sin.
I jos brines dal' zivim sam.
And you still care if I live alone.
Kazna je taj zivot za gros,
The punishment is that life for a penny,
Kazna je zig dodira tvog.
The punishment is your touch's scar.
Zlocin je sto volis me jos,
The crime is that you still love me,
Bog nek' prosti, zato je Bog.
May God forgive, that's why He's God.

Авторы: O. Gazmanov

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