霜月はるか - 水を映す者 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 霜月はるか - 水を映す者

Water Mirror
澄み渡る蒼天(そら)に響く 古き鐘の音が
In the clear blue sky, the sound of an ancient bell
導きの刻を 高らかに告ぐ
Solemnly announces the guiding moment
ざわめき集う人波 俄が静まり
The bustling crowd suddenly falls silent
見つめたその先 白き巫女(おとめ)は舞い踊る
And ahead, a white priestess dances
籠められた祈りに 水(いのち)奏でるは
Her prayers are a lullaby that water plays
輝ける明日示す鍵 光の標
A beacon of light that shows a brighter tomorrow
捧げよう この地に生きる民 護りし存在(もの)へ
Let us offer this, those who live on this earth, to the protector
Her voice, her body, and even her trembling heart
重なる意識から流れる 優しき旋律(うた)に
From overlapping thoughts flows a gentle melody
瞳閉じ委ねれば 鮮やかな聖地(ゆめ)が映る
Close your eyes and surrender to the vivid dreamscape
陰り出す曇天(そら)が落とす 恵みの雫が
The cloudy sky begins to weep, offering its blessings as
導かれし地の渇き 潤す
Drops of water quench the thirst of the land
Small hands cup the holy rain
Like the arms of a mother spirit, connecting the present to eternity
紡がれた言葉は 水(いのち)の託宣
Her words are the oracle of water
閉ざされた明日拓く鍵 光となりて...
A key that unlocks the closed tomorrow, becoming a light...
讃えよ この地を犯す闇 祓いし旋律を
Praise the melody that cleanses, that wards off the darkness
その声導く(女神(かみ)の示す)先に 満ちる水面
Her voice guides, and ahead, a serene expanse of water
遥かな古に 変わらぬ宿命
An ancient destiny, forever unchanged
心閉じ委ねれば 穏やかな夢に堕ちる
If you surrender your heart, you will fall into a peaceful dream

Авторы: 霜月はるか

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