Ascend little petals, hold my dreams' fragments, and,As they carry you to the future you have wished for, spring will arrive.
君が願う未来にそう 春はやってくる
As they carry you to the future you have wished for, spring will arrive.
夕焼けの下 ブランコにのった
Under the sunset's glow, the two of us rode on a swing.
ふたつの影 空と混ざってゆく
Our two figures mingled with the sky and got mixed into it.
勢いつけ 高くなるほどに
The higher we swung, the greater my momentum,And the higher my happiness soared with it.In the days that were filled with ordinariness
幸せもほら 駆け上がる
And the higher my happiness soared with it.
In the days that were filled with ordinariness
素直になれないところだけ妙に 似てしまった僕ら
In the way that we both aren't good at being honest, we strangely resemble each other.
伝えたい言葉 秘密のままで 見上げた空
I want to tell you my words, but they remain a secret as I look up at the sky.
風よ吹け 世界を染めて 輝いて 君の笑顔
Oh wind please blow and paint the world, make my love's smile shine
恐れないで その両手いっぱいに抱えた 宇宙へ
Don't be afraid and with both your hands embrace the universe.
舞い上がれ 咲く花びら つかまえて 夢のかけら
Ascend little petals, hold my dreams' fragments, and,Row towards the future you hope for.
君が願う未来へと 漕ぎ出して
Row towards the future you hope for.
喧嘩した日も 落ち込んでた日も
On days we fight, on days I'm down, The sound of an approaching train rumbles.No matter the time, they fill this place.The little tales of our every day.
行ったり来たり 札む鎖の音
The sound of an approaching train rumbles.
どんな時でも ここに詰まってる
No matter the time, they fill this place.The little tales of our every day.
The little tales of our every day.
嘘をつくのが上手くないくせに バレると膨れてさ
You're bad at lying, and when I notice, you puff up.
5時半のチャイム どこからともなく甘いシチューのにおい
At 5:30, the sound of a chime rings out, and from somewhere comes the sweet scent of stew.
誰よりも 遠い場所へ 進み出せ 君の背中
Further than anyone, step forward and charge into the distance,
ためらわないで 明日の失敗に流れる涙
Don't hesitate, let your tears flow at tomorrow's failures,
舞い上がれ 咲く花びら 揺れながら 迷いながら
Ascend little petals, sway and wander,
君は君の未来へと 翔け出して
And as you do, fly towards your future.
Oh wind please blow...
黄昏にのびた影が 僕の背を追い抜いてゆく
As dusk extends its shadows, they overtake my back.
茜色の横顔が 一瞬 大人に見えた
For an instant, your sunset-red face looks like an adult's.
風よ吹け 世界を染めて 輝いて 君の笑顔
Oh wind please blow and paint the world, make my love's smile shine,
恐れないで その両手いっぱいに抱えた 宇宙へ
Don't be afraid and with both your hands embrace the universe.
いつだって どこにいたって 君が描く 夢を想うよ
Wherever you are, I will always think of the dreams you paint
さあ漕ぎ出して 空高く羽ばたいて
So please, set sail and spread your wings high into the sky.
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