Miwa - Dear days - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Miwa - Dear days

Dear days
Dear days
My local CD shop closed down
We used to listen to albums together
The bookstore has been replaced by a convenience store,
This town never stops changing
話したいことは たくさんあるはずなのに
There's so much I'd like to talk about,
久しぶりに電話しても そんな事しか思いつかない
But when I call, all I can blurt out is 'How are you?'
あなたは幸せですか? 私はね 大丈夫
Are you happy? I'm okay
さみしさを隠したいから 少し背伸びして空を見上げた
I try to hide my loneliness, looking up at the sky with fake confidence,
I used to measure our love by the number of memories we had,
大切な事 今気づいたの それが宝物
But now I realize what's important, and that's what I value
Do you have a new girlfriend?
簡単に聞けるほどは 強くないみたい
I'm not strong enough to casually ask you that,
Remember how we had that fight at this crossroad?
どうでもいい理由だった なつかしくて苦しくなる
It was over something trivial, but the memory still brings a painful nostalgia.
あなたは笑ってますか? 私はね 元気だよ
Are you smiling? I'm fine,
そんなウソをついたから 心配そうに名前呼ばれた
I lied like that, so you called out my name with concern
I realize now that as long as I was with you, the place didn't matter at all.
気がついてたら ふたりは今も そばにいれたかな・・・
If we had noticed sooner, would we still be together today?
優しさに甘えてたね わがままでごめんね
I took your kindness for granted and I was selfish, I'm sorry
あの時 あなたの前で 素直になれたなら
If I could go back and tell you how I truly felt,
あなたは幸せですか? 私はね 大丈夫
Are you happy? I'm okay
さみしさを隠したいから 少し背伸びして空を見上げた
I try to hide my loneliness, looking up at the sky with fake confidence,
いつの日かまた話ができたなら 心から
One day I hope we can talk again and I'll be able to mean it when I say,
元気だよって そう言えるような 私になれたら
I'm fine, and I hope you are too.
季節が移り変わっても この町が変わっても
The seasons change and the town continues to change,
いつまでも変わらないもの 私はちゃんと見つけられるの
But I'm sure I will find something that will never change.
ありふれた言葉だけど 本当にありがとう
It's a cliché, but thank you so much, really
あなたとふたり過ごした日々は ずっと宝物
The days we spent together will always be my precious treasure.

Авторы: Miwa, miwa

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