Đorđe Balašević - Ne Lomite Mi Bagrenje - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Đorđe Balašević - Ne Lomite Mi Bagrenje

Ne Lomite Mi Bagrenje
Don't Break My Purple Bloom
Verujem, cenjeni sude
I believe, esteemed judge,
Da dobro poznaješ ljude
That you know people well
Vi barem imate posla
You at least have work
Jer ćud je ćud, a sud je sud
Because temperament is temperament, and judgment is judgment
Verujem, cenjena glavo
I believe, esteemed head,
Da si i učio pravo
That you have studied law
Da svakom sudiš pošteno
That you judge everyone fairly
Jer čast je čast, a vlast je vlast
Because honor is honor, and power is power
I sve po zakonu
And all according to the law
Za to sam prvi, ne bi bilo ove krvi
I'm the first one for that, there wouldn't be this blood
Da je bilo sve po zakonu
If everything had been according to the law
Vlast je vlast
Power is power
I ja to poštujem
And I respect that
Tu su paragrafi, pa zagrabi
There are paragraphs, so grab them
Nek isto je i đavolu i đakonu
Let it be the same for the devil and the deacon
Pa nek se zna
And let it be known
Nek su mi gazili njivom
Let them trample on my field
Mojom se sladili šljivom
Let them enjoy my plum tree
Uvek je lopova bilo
There have always been thieves
Jer ćuk je ćuk i vuk je vuk
Because the owl is the owl and the wolf is the wolf
Nikada zlotvora dosta
Never enough villains
Suša mi uništi bostan
The drought destroyed my melon patch
I led se prospe pred žetvu
And the hail fell before harvest
Al' led je led, a red je red
But hail is hail, and order is order
I prekardašilo
And they crossed the line
Imo sam bagremovu šumu
I had a acacia forest
Tamo dole prema drumu
Down there towards the road
Pa sam čekao
So I waited
Red je red
Order is order
Polako komšije
Slowly, neighbors
Ne može samo da se uđe, da se ruši tuđe
You can't just enter, destroy someone else's property
Lepo sam im rekao
I told them nicely
Ne lomite mi bagrenje
Don't break my purple bloom
Bez njih će me vetrovi oduvati
Without them, the winds will blow me away
Pustite ih, moraju mi čuvati
Let them be, they must guard me
Jednu tajnu zlatnu, kao dukati
A golden secret, like ducats
Ne lomite mi bagrenje
Don't break my purple bloom
Pod njima sam je ljubio
Under them, I loved her
Bosonogu i odbeglu od sna
Barefoot and escaped from dreams
Ljudi smo, cenjeni sude
We are people, esteemed judge
Pa neka bude šta bude
So let it be what it may
Žao mi marama crnih
I'm sorry for the black scarves
Al' plač je plač, a mač je mač
But crying is crying, and a sword is a sword
Ne pitaj šta bi sad bilo
Don't ask what would have been
Kad bi se ponovo zbilo
If it happened again
Ne pitaj da li se kajem
Don't ask if I regret it
Jer jed je jed, a red je red
Because one is one, and order is order
I sve po zakonu
And all according to the law
Tu su paragrafi, pa zagrabi pošteno
There are paragraphs, so grab them honestly
I za veru i za neveru
Both for faith and for disbelief
Red je red
Order is order
Sve ja to poštujem
I respect all that
Jer više bilo bi ubica
Because there would be more killers
Nego ptica koje odleću ka severu
Than birds flying north
Ne lomite mi bagrenje
Don't break my purple bloom
Bez njih će me vetrovi oduvati
Without them, the winds will blow me away
Pustite ih, moraju mi čuvati
Let them be, they must guard me
Jednu tajnu zlatnu kao dukati
A golden secret, like ducats
Ne lomite mi bagrenje
Don't break my purple bloom
Pod njima sam je ljubio
Under them, I loved her
O, zar moram da vam ponovim?
Oh, must I repeat it to you?
Okanite se njih
Leave them alone
Jer sve ću da vas polomim
Because I'll break all of you

Авторы: Dorde Balasevic, N Ciric, N Ljubisic, Goran Sultanovic

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