Đorđe Miljenović feat. Ivana Vukumirović - Da izađemo iz kafane - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Đorđe Miljenović feat. Ivana Vukumirović - Da izađemo iz kafane

Da izađemo iz kafane
Let's Leave the Pub
Svanula je zora, nekad i to tako mora
The dawn has broken, sometimes it has to
Zverao sam u praznu času, konobar je bio koma
I was a wild beast, the bartender was in a coma
Setih se da neko mi je prošle noci reko
I remembered that someone told me last night
Kako imam dugu liniju zivota.
I have a long life line.
Ispratio sve sam goste kao da sam gazda
I saw off all the guests as if I were the owner
Ispratio revolverom puna beše kasa
I saw off with a revolver, the till was full
Svirao sam klavir čuo se taj prohtev:
I played the piano, you could hear the desire:
Moli se klavirista da ne puca u goste.
Pray the pianist doesn't shoot into the guests.
Čistila sam pikavce i čaure od noćas.
I cleaned shot glasses and casings from last night.
Ostao je samo on i bio mnogo zgodan.
There remains only he was much handsomer.
Svirao je klavir i razneo mi srce,
He played the piano and broke my heart
Goste je izbacio, nepristojne ljude.
He threw out the guests, indecent people.
Vidim da je znao on i za bolje dane.
I see that he also knew better days.
Prišla sam mu tiho i dotakla mu rame.
I approached him quietly and touched his shoulder.
Pogledao me je znali smo sta ćemo dalje,
He looked at me, we knew what we would do next
Rece mislim da je pravo vreme da.
Hands, I think it's the time.
Da izadjemo iz kafane
Let's leave the pub
Da izadjemo iz kafane
Let's leave the pub
Da izadjemo iz kafane
Let's leave the pub
Da izadjemo iz kafane
Let's leave the pub

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