ケツメイシ - 子供たちの未来へ - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни ケツメイシ - 子供たちの未来へ

For The Future Of The Children
Born from a single encounter
Into an age of disagreements with you
君の為に 君たちの為に
For you, for you all
What can I do, what can I leave behind?
子供たちの未来が 想像よりも幸せで
For the future of the children, happier than you could imagine
また その子供たちの未来も 君よりもっと幸せで
And also, the future of those children, even happier than you
ありますよう 共に願おう
Let's pray for it together
なりますよう 永遠に語ろう
May it be so, let's talk about it forever
励ますよう 共に歌おう
Let's sing together to encourage it
For a future filled with smiles
無邪気に笑う 時には泣く
Laughing innocently, sometimes crying
その優しい笑顔 腕に抱く
I'll hold that gentle smile, in my arms
いつまでも この温もり 絶やさない
I'll never let go of this warmth
語らない 小さな手も離さない
I'll never let go of those little hands, without a word
この先 未来を避けることなく
From now on, without avoiding the future
嘆くことなく 冷めることなく
Without complaining, without cooling down
小さな足でも歩ける 正しい道と
With little feet, they can walk on the right path
本当の幸せの意味を 伝えよう
And the true meaning of happiness, I'll convey it
日々素直に 笑える喜び
Day by day, honestly, the joy of laughing
笑い声に 包まれますように
May you be enveloped in laughter
空の青さを いつも心に
The blueness of the sky, always in your heart
忘れず 愛溢れる 子供に
Never forgetting, to the children overflowing with love
なりますよう 僕らの力で
May it be so, with our strength
小さな星たちを 光らせ
Let's make the little stars shine
To a world where they can dream and have
大きく育て 羽ばたけよ 未来へ
Grow big, and fly away, to the future
Born from a single encounter
Into an age of disagreements with you
君の為に 君たちの為に
For you, for you all
What can I do, what can I leave behind?
子供たちの未来が 想像よりも幸せで
For the future of the children, happier than you could imagine
また その子供たちの未来も 君よりもっと幸せで
And also, the future of those children, even happier than you
ありますよう 共に願おう
Let's pray for it together
なりますよう 永遠に語ろう
May it be so, let's talk about it forever
励ますよう 共に歌おう
Let's sing together to encourage it
For a future filled with smiles
鳥が飛ぶ そよ風 雲運ぶ
Birds flying, a gentle breeze carrying clouds
花が香る 空の下 子が遊ぶ
Flowers fragrant, under the sky, children playing
That's not a given anymore
天仰ぐ子は 誰頼る 誰が守る
A child looking up at the sky, who do they rely on, who protects them?
防犯ベルぶら下げ ランドセル
A crime prevention bell hanging from their satchel
背負い無邪気 学校通ってる
They go to school with innocence
People can't trust each other
世の中 危うい方への道 変えたい
The world is changing for the worse, I want to change it
自然壊す 人に傷負わす
Destroying nature, hurting people
視線そらす 大人見て子は育つ
Children grow up watching adults avert their eyes
きれいな空 海に謝りな
Apologize to the beautiful sky and sea
破壊 戦い ではなく 語らいが
Instead of destruction and war, we need dialogue
必要 きっと いつも この先も
I think so, always, from now on
と思うなら 子供の未来に愛を
If you feel the same, give love to the children's future
貸す手を 溢れる 愛情に託せ
Entrust your helping hands to overflowing love
大人が子へ向ける 明日への役目
Adults have a role towards children, for tomorrow
何を残していくのか その小さな手に
What will you leave behind, in those little hands?
何を見せてあげるの その小さな目に
What will you show them, with those little eyes?
この空を 海も 山も 青い地球をいつまでも
This sky, the sea, the mountains, the blue Earth, forever
響け笑い声よ 未来へ
Let the laughter echo, into the future
何を残していくのか その小さな手に
What will you leave behind, in those little hands?
何を見せてあげるの その小さな目に
What will you show them, with those little eyes?
その命を 希望も 優しさをいつまでも
Their life, their dreams, their hopes, their kindness, forever
そして明るい笑顔を 未来へ
And bright smiles, into the future
Born from a single encounter
Into an age of disagreements with you
君の為に 君たちの為に
For you, for you all
What can I do, what can I leave behind?
子供たちの未来が 想像よりも幸せで
For the future of the children, happier than you could imagine
また その子供たちの未来も 君よりもっと幸せで
And also, the future of those children, even happier than you
ありますよう 共に願おう
Let's pray for it together
なりますよう 永遠に語ろう
May it be so, let's talk about it forever
励ますよう 共に歌おう
Let's sing together to encourage it
For a future filled with smiles

Авторы: 大塚 亮二, 田中 亮, 大塚 亮二, 田中 亮

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