ケツメイシ - 空 - перевод текста песни на английский

- ケツメイシперевод на английский

Children who have given up on the sky
Adults who pretend they can't fly
Who grew up in homes that didn't see the sky
And who always looked down, longing to plant roots
いつからだろう? あの「いつかはなろう」
When did it happen? That "someday I will be" feeling
って氣持ちを抑え 僕は變わったの
That I suppressed, and that changed me
I continued to draw dreams up high
The hand I waved "goodbye" with to myself
The realization that I hadn't become the person I wanted to be
きつく常に心 卑屈な氣分
My heart was always tight and my mood was always low
やらないで後悔なら やっちまった後悔
If you don't do it, you'll regret it, but if you do it, you'll regret it
もう一度空を見上げ 步くのはどうだい?
How about looking up at the sky again and walking?
鳥籠の中の鳥は 飛ぶことを忘れ
The bird in the cage forgets how to fly
ライオンは檻の中で その牙を預ける
And the lion in the cage surrenders its fangs
それを見て 一體誰が言えるんだ 幸せって?
Who can say what happiness is after seeing that?
生きる希望 自由も失われてる
The hope of living and freedom are both lost
大人は皆 夢があったはずで
All adults had dreams in the past
背中見た子供らは 泣くね
And now the children who see their backs are crying
だから まだ明日諦めず越える
That's why I haven't given up yet, and I'll keep going
僕らはまだ行けるよ 飛べる
We can still do it, we can still fly
まだまだ 飛べるはずじゃないか
We must still be able to fly
まだまだ 諦めずに
We mustn't give up yet
まだまだ 空を見上げたまま
We must keep looking up at the sky
まだまだ 諦めずに
We mustn't give up yet
僕らは この空見なくなった
We have stopped seeing this sky
心の少年 居なくなった
The young boy in our hearts is gone
いつからか 何處か 冷めていた
Somewhere along the way, we cooled down
自ら 何故か 諦めていた
Somehow, we gave up on ourselves
世の中 時代のせいにして
We blamed it on society and the times
綺麗な物ばかり 目にして
And we only saw beautiful things
でも言えたはずさ 本當のこと
But we could have said what was true
見れたはずさ 子供の頃
We could have seen it, a dream from our childhood
頭でなく 心で ありのままに
Not with our heads, but with our hearts, as we really are
何をしたいか 何を見たいか
What do we want to do? What do we want to see?
It starts with a small longing
それが夢に 明日に交わり
That intertwines with our dreams and our future
The sky is always on our side
湧いてくる 力が
The strength that wells up
飛びだそう 旅立とう
Let's fly away, let's set out
何かが動き出した 青い空の真下
Something has started to move beneath the blue sky
Children who have given up on the sky
Adults who pretend they can't fly
Who grew up in homes that didn't see the sky
And who always looked down, longing to plant roots
まだまだ 飛べるはずじゃないか
We must still be able to fly
まだまだ 諦めずに
We mustn't give up yet
まだまだ 空を見上げたまま
We must keep looking up at the sky
まだまだ 諦めずに
We mustn't give up yet
まだまだ 飛べるはずじゃないか
We must still be able to fly
まだまだ 諦めずに
We mustn't give up yet
まだまだ 空を見上げたまま
We must keep looking up at the sky
まだまだ 諦めずに
We mustn't give up yet

Авторы: 大塚 亮二, 田中 亮, 大塚 亮二, 田中 亮

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