星羅 - furarenikitano - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 星羅 - furarenikitano

「夢とわたし どっちが大事?」なんて聞くダサい女が
'Dreams and I, Which is more important?' Such things asked by a poser girl,
You hate those girls, you once told me as a memory.
「そうね、そんなのダサいわ」と 気にも止めずに笑ったあの頃
'Yeah, that's too poser' I laughed, not caring at that moment.
3年経って気付いたの 人はみんな我がままな生き物
After three years I realized, People are all selfish beings.
部屋の真ん中にピアノ アタマの中も同じ配置
In the middle of the room, a piano. My head has the same layout.
わたしは端のソファで 夢を追いかける横顔見てる
I'm on the sofa on the side, watching the side profile of you chasing your dreams.
もっと愛してと言えば あなたの邪魔をしてしまうから
If I tell you to love me more, I'll be getting in your way.
ねえ そろそろお腹がすいたわ 向かったあの懐かしいレストラン
Hey, I'm getting hungry. Let's head to that nostalgic restaurant.
あなたが忘れてる記念日 今日でもう3年も経ったのよ
The anniversary you forgot. It's been three years today.
Listening to the record player playing some old records,
あなたも夢も大事だから さよなら 今日は聞かなくちゃ
I must ask, because you and my dreams are both important.
「夢とわたし どっちが大事?」
'"Dreams and I, Which is more important?"
The soup on the table gets cold.
まわるまわる世界は わたしたちをおいて
The world keeps spinning, leaving us behind.
Eating this food filled with memories,
I came to break up with you today.
「夢とわたし どっちが大事?」なんて聞くダサい女が
'Dreams and I, Which is more important?' Such things asked by a poser girl,
You hate those girls, you once said in this restaurant we're sitting at now.
せめて思い出の中じゃあ 綺麗な女のままいたいから
At least in the memories, I want to stay as a beautiful girl.
今日はちょっとだけメイクも 服も綺麗なやつを選んだの
That's why today, I chose a pretty dress and did my make up a bit more.
二人対面したテーブルで 時間を止めたあのセリフ
The two of us facing each other on this table.
Listening to the record player playing some old records,
あなたも夢も大事だから さよなら もう一度聞かなくちゃ
I must ask once more, because you and my dreams are both important.
「夢とわたし どっちが大事?」
'"Dreams and I, Which is more important?"
The soup on the table gets cold.
まわるまわる世界は わたしたちをおいて
The world keeps spinning, leaving us behind.
思い出詰めた料理を食べながら 今日はあなたにフラれにきたの
Eating this food filled with memories, I came to break up with you today.
訊いてはいけない言葉でしょ どうして怒ってくれないの
I shouldn't have asked, why didn't you get mad at me?
I don't need your kindness now.
ダサイ女はきらいでしょ もう一度だけ よく聞いて
You hate poser girls, right? Just one more time, listen to me well.
「夢とわたし どっちが大事?」
'"Dreams and I, Which is more important?"
The soup on the table gets cold.
まわるまわる世界は わたしたちをおいて
The world keeps spinning, leaving us behind.
Eating this food filled with memories,
I came to break up with you today.

Авторы: いしわたり淳治, 星羅

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