Tomohiro Higashida - この世でいちばん好きな歌 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Tomohiro Higashida - この世でいちばん好きな歌

The song that I like the most in the world
この世で一番好きな歌を 歌いながら生きてゆけたら
If I could live my life singing the song that I like the most in the world.
この世で一番好きな歌を 誰かに聴いてほしくて
Because I'd like someone to listen to the song that I like the most in the world.
誰かにもらったTシャツたたんで 誰かにもらったバッグに詰め込む
I fold up the shirt that someone gave me and put it in the bag someone gave me.
誰かにもらったスニーカーを履いて 誰も知らない町へと出かける
I put on the sneakers that someone gave me and go to a town that no one knows.
たまには電気消してキャンドルナイト 静かな夜にはビールで乾杯
Sometimes I turn off the lights and have a candlelit night. I have a toast with a beer on a quiet night.
サンフランシスコの小さな絵葉書 行ってみたいな心の一人旅
I got a small postcard of San Francisco. I want to go there and take a trip by myself.
I wanna be free, But freedom is lonely
I wanna be free, But freedom is lonely
あいつは空回りしてるよねって 空回りしながら言ってるこいつは
He's always flying off the handle. That's what the guy who's always flying off the handle says.
Where did you come from and where are you going?
Where did you come from and where are you going?
ブラウン管に夢があるとしたら 誰もがとっくに手に入れてるだろう
If there are dreams on TV, everyone could have gotten them already.
ブーゲンビリアの花が咲いていた 人じゃなくてお陽様を見ながら
The bougainvillea flower is in bloom. I'm not watching people but the sun.
今夜も誰かが濁ったスープを 心の真ん中に流し込んだぜ
Tonight, someone poured a cloudy soup right into the middle of his heart.
リンゴをかじったあとに聞いたのさ 空がまっぷたつに割れた音
Just after I took a bite of an apple, I heard the sky split into two.
I wanna be free, But freedom is lonely
I wanna be free, But freedom is lonely
女は気持ちいいこと探してる 男はかっこいいこと探してる
Women are looking for something that feels good. Men are looking for something that looks cool.
この世で一番大切なものは 何も探さない人にやってくる
The most important thing in the world will come to someone who is not looking for anything.
John Lennon's gentle Imagine is
a cold turkey with drugs.
誰にも歌を殺すことは出来ない たとえ自由を奪ったつもりでも
No one can kill a song even if they try to take away your freedom.
古いピアノが奏でるメロディは 老人の言い残した言葉みたい
An old piano plays a melody, it's like the last words of an old man.
振り返れば全部輝いてた 少しくすんだオレンジ色だけど
Looking back, everything was shining, a little dull but orange.
子どもみたいな夢をいつまでも あの子の幸せよいつまでも
The dream like a child forever, the happiness of my darling forever.
海へと続く道で待ってるから 海へと帰る道で待ってるから
I will be waiting for you on the road to the sea, I will be waiting for you on the road back to the sea.
I wanna be free, But freedom is lonely
I wanna be free, But freedom is lonely
この世で一番好きな歌を 歌いながら生きてゆけたら
If I could live my life singing the song that I like the most in the world.
この世で一番好きな歌を 誰かに聴いてほしくて
Because I'd like someone to listen to the song that I like the most in the world.
Because I'd like someone to listen to it.

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