다비치 - 사랑과 전쟁 - 하하 Narration Version - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 다비치 - 사랑과 전쟁 - 하하 Narration Version

사랑과 전쟁 - 하하 Narration Version
Love and War - Haha Narration Version
있잖아 없으면 죽을꺼 같애
I mean, I'm here, I don't think I could die without you.
눈은 두개인데
I have two eyes,
하나밖에 안보이는 걸까
Why can't I see anyone else but you?
시끄럽고 어제 누구랑 있었어
It's so noisy, who were you with yesterday?
좋다고 매달릴땐 언제고
When was it that you were chasing after me because you wanted me?
매달린 정돈 아니고
It takes effort to stay in love,
누구랑 있었냐고
Who were you with?
아니거든요 집에 있었거든요
Oh my gosh, I was at home,
엄마가 밥해줬거든요
My mom made me dinner.
두번 다시 바람 피지마
Don't you ever cheat on me again,
니가 매달려 만난 거잖아
It's because you chased me that we met.
어떻게 두고
How could you leave me,
다른 여자를 만날수있니
To go meet another woman?
내게도 정말 멋진 남자들
Some really cool guys,
가끔은 내게 다가와
Sometimes they approach me,
흔들릴 때도 있어
I do get tempted.
몰라 이젠 제발 정신좀차려
You don't know it, but please wake up and smell the coffee.
어제 누구랑 있었어
Who were you with yesterday?
친구에게 전화가왔어
Your friend called me,
니가 다른여자와 있었다고
You were with another woman, apparently.
솔직히 한번 말해봐
Be honest with me,
나보다 매력있니
Is she more attractive than me?
아니면 이젠 내가 너는 지겨운거니
Or have you just gotten tired of me?
두번다시 바람피지마
Don't you ever cheat on me again,
니가 매달려 만난거잖아
It's because you chased me that we met.
어떻게 두고
How could you leave me,
다른 여자를 만날수있니
To go meet another woman?
내게도 정말 멋진남자들
Some really cool guys,
가끔은 내게 다가와
Sometimes they approach me,
I do get tempted.
몰라 이젠 제발 정신좀차려
You don't know it, but please wake up and smell the coffee.
Oh my lover, Oh my you baby
Oh my lover, Oh my you baby
Oh my lover, Oh my you baby
Oh my lover, Oh my you baby
Oh my lover, Oh my you baby
Oh my lover, Oh my you baby
Oh my lover, Oh my you baby
Oh my lover, Oh my you baby
거짓말 Oh 이런 얘기 재미없어
This is all lies, I don't like this talk,
오늘부로 우린 망했어 화내지마 아주잠깐
We've failed today, don't be mad, just a little while
우린너무 완소커플 킹왕짱
We are such a perfect couple, it's the best,
도끼는 들지마 후덜덜
Don't you dare get an axe, you're shivering,
우리사랑 we belong together
We belong together,
나의 태양 나의 바다
You're my sun, you're my ocean.
요즘따라 정말 이상해
You've been acting strange lately,
평소에는 안그랬는데
Usually, you don't act like this.
내게 장미꽃을 선물했던
You used to buy me roses,
다른여자와 있었던게
What were you doing with that other woman?
그게 너무 미안해서
Did you do it with her because you felt so sorry
그래서나에게더 잘해준걸몰랐어
For not treating me well?
두번 다시 바람 피지마
Don't you ever cheat on me again,
니가 매달려 만난거잖아
It's because you chased me that we met.
어떻게 두고
How could you leave me,
다른 여자를 만날수있니
To go meet another woman?
내게도 정말 멋진 남자들
Some really cool guys,
가끔은 내게 다가와
Sometimes they approach me,
흔들릴때도 있어
I do get tempted.
몰라 이젠 제발 정신좀차려
You don't know it, but please wake up and smell the coffee.
두번 다시 보기싫지만
I don't want to see you ever again,
차버려도 할말없지만
Even though there's nothing for me to say if I leave you,
그래도 아직은
Even so,
내가 너를 너무 사랑해
I still love you so much,
거짓말한거 정말 싫지만
I really hate that you lied,
이번 한번만 용서해
But please forgive me this once,
다시 이런일없게 해줄래
You'll never do this again, right?
이젠 나만 사랑해줄래
Can you love only me from now on?
Oh my lover, Oh my you baby
Oh my lover, Oh my you baby
Oh my lover, Oh my you baby
Oh my lover, Oh my you baby
Oh my lover, Oh my you baby
Oh my lover, Oh my you baby
Oh my lover, Oh my you baby
Oh my lover, Oh my you baby

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