Cocomelon - The Alphabet Construction Song (Songs From the Netflix Series) Lyrics

Lyrics The Alphabet Construction Song (Songs From the Netflix Series) - Cocomelon

A-B-C, uh
A-B-C-D, oh, D comes next
Great job, JJ
What about the rest
I want to build the alphabet
You can do it, JJ, what comes next
It's frustrating when I forget
Keep on trying, you'll get this
It's 'G', I got it, yippee
But I keep on getting stuck on the alphabet
Keep on singing, JJ, do your best
Okay, um
Wait, K-J, that's not it
You got it, keep going
H-I-J-K-K, and
Oh, I got stuck again
Let's sing together
We'll start from the beginning to help us remember
A-B-C-D-E-F-G, H-I-J-K
It's okay to get frustrated
Take a deep breath and try again
Yes, I did it
You sure did, JJ, I'm so proud of you
Come on, everyone, hum along
I know I can do it
What's next? Let's see
I was frustrated, now I'm proud
It helped to sing this song out loud
Now I can sing to Z
Come on, everybody, sing with me
Q-R-S, T-U-V
W-X, Y and Z
Great job, JJ
You wanna climb it
Oh, yeah
Q-R-S, T-U-V
W-X, Y and Z
Now I know my A-B-C's
Next time won't you sing with me

Writer(s): Dp, Darren Boachie, Rick Leon James, Yolanda Faye Brown, Lucy May Frances Walker, Itamar Lapidot

Cocomelon - CoComelon Lane, Vol. 2 (Songs From the Netflix Series)

1 Great Day on CoComelon Lane (Songs From the Netflix Series)
2 The Alphabet Construction Song (Songs From the Netflix Series)
3 Learn By Looking (Songs From the Netflix Series)
4 Nina’s Traffic Safety Song (Songs From the Netflix Series)
5 JJ’s Head Shoulders Knees and Toes (Songs from the Netflix Series)
6 Cody’s Train Song (Songs From the Netflix Series)
7 Bye Bye Butterfly (Songs from the Netflix Series)
8 My Dog Song (Bingo's Bathtime - Songs From the Netflix Series)
9 Cece’s Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (Songs From the Netflix Series)
10 Good Game (Songs From the Netflix Series)
11 Books Are Magic (Songs From the Netflix Series)
12 Hush Little Kendi (Songs From the Netflix Series)
13 A Letter From Cece (Songs From the Netflix Series)
14 I’m Sorry Song (Songs From the Netflix Series)
15 Cece’s Chopsticks Song (Songs From the Netflix Series)
16 Nina’s Mexican Hat Dance (Songs From the Netflix Series)

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