Drizilik - Aw fo Du Lyrics

Lyrics Aw fo Du - Drizilik

Dεm hate di fact yu tink di tεm na naw yu
Aw du
Dem know se yu wan tɔn yu wan to tu
Aw du
Bɔt wεn yu gεt am dεm go kam arawnd to yu
Dεm proud of yu bɔt dεm tu proud εva se am out to yu
Aw du
Step on the stage and its coming alive
Aw du
Each and every time we coming arawnd
Aw du
From city to city we shutting it down
Aw du
Mi enemy try am i go sɔvayv
Aw du
Wetin go pay yu ɔ wetin yu want bi
What if wetin de pe mi na wetin a want bi
What if yu drɔp di mic sidɔm na cklas εn gεt degree
What if yu stick to di mic εn do am lεk mike εn gεt di green
A wan mek mi fambul dεm wey sabi mi gladli we dεm yεri mi tori
A wan mek mi lɔn lɔn tεm padi dεm si mi na TV εn know se na BεnJi
A wan mek mi Aunty ɔmɔ εn mi ɔnkul uche gεt di bεst ɔf di bεst
It's family first family after family over the rest dem want the best
Dεm hate di fact yu tink di tεm na naw yu
Aw du
Dem know se yu wan tɔn yu wan to tu
Aw du
Bɔt wεn yu gεt am dεm go kam arawnd to yu
Dεm proud of yu bɔt dεm tu proud fo εva se am out to yu
Aw du
Step on the stage and its coming alive
Aw du
Each and every time we coming arawnd
Aw du
From city to city we shutting it down
Aw du
Mi enemy try am i go sɔvayv
Aw du
Am sorry grandma this is a dedication
A lan aw gεt am
Misεf by misεf am finally getting the education
Shaddout to ɔl me man dεm na di team for aiding the meditation
They use to to tell me am out of their
League now they heading for relegation
ɔl dεm wan dεm we dεm hand de do krach bak
Yu wan go biyεn de wach bak
Put yu yai dɔng yu si yu nos
Yu luk yu si na wach bak
"I finally made it" the best news
Bɔt yu we gεt am excuse
Di wɔld gεt riwɔd "if a bin know"
Padi excuse wit yu excuse
Dεm hate di fact yu tink di tεm na naw yu
Aw du
Dem know se yu wan tɔn yu wan to tu
Aw du
Bɔt wεn yu gεt am dεm go kam arawnd to yu
Dεm proud of yu bɔt dεm tu proud fo εva se am out to yu
Aw du
Step on the stage and its coming alive
Aw du
Each and every time we coming arawnd
Aw du
From city to city we shutting it down
Aw du
Mi enemy try am i go sɔvayv
Aw du
Class 1 get me first whip what is a noun hot mental
Fast forward 2018 get me first whip εn noto rental
Shaddout to yu na di gεto, chεk dɔng di pot mek yu si potεnshal
Cheap tɔk de mek sense de make ends but it's all essential
Dimis nama dimi rimisimin we memek
Ama deme fen am
We man dεm de grɔmbul mi no se i
Lεk ayεn tawa te na ɔda ayεn de bεn am
Bεnji de mεmba di kayn naba trɔbul
We man dεm de gεt we dem ebul gεt am
Dεm de ask mi wetin mek a kεr go mi makit na luma na dis a de tεl am
Dεm hate di fact yu tink di tεm na naw yu
Aw du
Dem no se yu wan tɔn yu wan to tu
Aw du
Bɔt wεn yu gεt am dεm go kam arawnd to yu
Dεm proud of yu bɔt dεm tu proud fo εva se am out to yu
Aw du
Step on the stage and its coming alive
Aw du
Each and every time we coming arawnd
Aw du
From city to city we shutting it down
Aw du
Mi enemy try am i go sɔvayv
Aw du

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