Flame - Who Can Pluck Us Lyrics

Lyrics Who Can Pluck Us - Flame

HOOK Who can pluck us out His hands?
Not even a professional plucker
Who plucks for life to pluck the unpluckable
Rooted and grounded
Doctrinally sound when
Checking my options
It's obviously that God wins
VERSE See what I'm about to mention some consider secondary/But never weary guarantee it's very necessary/When Jesus hit the wood and shed His blood on the tree/He did something good He was atoning for me/And all believers we see Peter would call the elect/And even Jesus said that His sheep could never be snatched/Out of His hands nor the Father cause He's greater than/All and they're one like a married woman and man/So listen up (listen up) I'm bout to make it plain/So you can hear me clearly and sincerely what I'm saying/Through Jesus sacrifice the Father was satisfied (run it back)/Through Jesus sacrifice the Father was satisfied (one more time)/Through Jesus sacrifice the Father was satisfied/Now He gives assurance to all those for whom He died/Now you wonder why would I say something like that/I'll be right back, I'll be I'll be right back
HOOK Who can pluck us out His hands?
Not even a professional plucker
Who plucks for life to pluck the unpluckable
Rooted and grounded
Doctrinally sound when
Checking my options
It's obviously that God wins
VERSE I'm trying to tell you something you probably have never heard/And if you have you probably perceive them as dirty words/Words like election and predestination/Can get you stoned and thrown out of a congregation/But there in the bible we gotta talk talk about it (run it back)/But there in the bible we gotta talk talk about it (one more time)/But there in the bible we gotta talk talk about it/We can still love each other and share our thoughts about it/When Jesus died He drank the full cup of God's Wrath/When He was crucified it was on our behalf/For all those the Father chose in eternity past/To be redeemed that simply means to be bought back/So when Christ expired the debt and the price was paid/For particular people on that night to be saved/Now you wonder why would I say something like that?/I'll be right back, I'll be I'll be right back
HOOK Who can pluck us out His hands?
Not even a professional plucker
Who plucks for life to pluck the unpluckable
Rooted and grounded
Doctrinally sound when
Checking my options
It's obviously that God wins
Spoken Do you enjoy fellowship with God?
Are you sensitive to sin?
Do you obey God's Word?
Do you reject the evil world?
Do you eagerly await Christ's return?
Do you see a decrease pattern of sin in your life?
Do you love other Christians?
Do you experience answered prayer?
Do you discern between truth and error?
Do you have the witness of the spirit?
Are you rejected or persecuted for your Faith?
Just a lil taste for your salvation man
Read the whole book of 1 John
Jesus Christ Holla!
VERSE Some people are truly tricked cause Satan's got 'em convinced/That they are saved when everyday they straddle the fence/But yet that's nonsense for them I'm truly afraid/But those who mature can be assured that they're truly saved/The Son who preexisted/Took on human flesh/Fulfilled the Father's Commission/Lived a perfect life/Took the wrath of God/Spoke to the Father and said that it was finished/I'm done!
HOOK Who can pluck us out His hands?
Not even a professional plucker
Who plucks for life to pluck the unpluckable
Rooted and grounded
Doctrinally sound when
Checking my options
It's obviously that God wins

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