Gossaye Tesfaye - Betesasate Silk - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Gossaye Tesfaye - Betesasate Silk

Betesasate Silk
Betesasate Silk
በተሳሳተ ስልክ በድንገት ድምጿን ሰምቼ
I heard my girl's voice on the wrong call, suddenly
ሳወራ ብቆይ ከሷ ጋር ጉዳዬን ትቼ
Forgetting about my problems with her as I began to talk
እጇን የመራው ወደ ስልኬ
I grabbed my phone
ሊያገናኘን ነው ለካ እሱ አምላኬ
May God help us reconnect
አሁን ብናገረው እስኪ እንደው እኔን ማን ያምነኛል (ያምነኛል)
If we talk to her, who would believe us (believe me)
ሳስበው ደግሞ ለራሴም ግርም ይለኛል
Thinking about it also feels amazing
የባጥ የቆጡን ዘላብጄ
I broke an old glass
የኔ አደረኳት በቃ ገባች ከእጄ
I thought it was mine, but I bought it with my own hands
አወይ አጋጣሚ ምክንያት አርጎ የስለኩን ጥሪ
We seized the opportunity, calling for an absurd reason
(ገና ገና-ገና)
(Just a bit-a bit)
ድምጻን ገና ስሰማው ገና
I was just excited to hear his voice
ልቤ አረፈው ወደዳትና
My heart sank, and my desire grew
(በጣም ኦው በጣም)
(Oh so much so much)
በፊት ያኔ ይህ ሳይሆን ገና
Before this, I didn't think about me like this
እሷን መሳይ መች አሰብኩና
I thought about her, and for just a moment
(ገና ገና-ገና)
(Just a bit-a bit)
ለሷም ለኔ ፍቅር የገመደው
I love both of us
ለካ ቀድሞ አምላክ አዞት ነው
But God sent this to us
በቃ ደስ አለኝ ልቤ አልፎ ነጋልኝ ዛሬ
Oh, I'm so happy, I feel like I can fly today
ሲደርስ ሀሳቤ
As my thoughts come
ሲደርስ... ሲደርስ ሃሳቤ
As my thoughts come... come
ሲደርስ ሃሳቤ
As my thoughts come
ሲደርስ... ሲደርስ ሃሳቤ
As my thoughts come... come
የእጇ ስህተት ቁጥሩን ደባልቆ
I dialed the wrong number
ካልታሰበው ከስልኬ ዘልቆ
If I hadn't, it would have slipped out of my phone
(ገና ገና-ገና)
(Just a bit-a bit)
በቀጭኑ ድምጽ አዛይ ሽቦ
I quickly connected the call
ገባ ፍቅሯ ልቤን ተብትቦ
My love entered my heart, throbbing
(ገባ ገባ-ገባ)
(Entered, entered-entered)
ስፈልገው ስመኘው ኖሬ
I've been looking for her, calling her name
የሷን እሩብ እኔ እስከዛሬ
A quarter of me is her, to this day
(ገና ገና-ገና)
(Just a bit-a bit)
አምላክ ደጉ ጣቱን ሰጣት
Oh God, how beautiful you made her
ደውይ አላት አዲሱ ቤቷ
I can't wait to show her her new home
ቀልቧ ከቀልቤ ተናቦ
Her heart connected to mine
ገባ በቀጭኑ ሽቦ ፍቅሯ እኔን ስቦ
My love entered me, throbbing, connecting me
በቀጭን ሽቦ
Through a simple connection
አስቀረኝ ስቦ
You surprise me, connecting
ጮኧና ስልኬ
Why my phone
When I'm talking
(ኧረ እኔ ሳሳሁ)
(Oh why me, when I'm talking)
When I'm talking
(ኧረ እኔ ሳሳሁ)
(Oh why me, when I'm talking)
ስልኳን አነሳው
I picked up your call

Writer(s): Gosaye Tesfaye

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