SES - Romance Da Bela Rosa - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation SES - Romance Da Bela Rosa

Romance Da Bela Rosa
Romance of the Fair Rose
Unha vez houbo unha flor
There once was a flower
Que ulía certa xente
That only certain people could smell
No xardín dun gran demente
In the garden of a great madman
Con máis poder que razón
With more power than reason
A rosa leda medrou,
The lovely rose grew,
Medrou soa e sen axuda,
Grew alone and without help,
Era forte coma ruda,
It was as strong as rue,
Contra o frío e o calor
Against the cold and the heat
Saíu o sol e corou,
The sun came out and blushed,
Co seu vermello impoñente,
With its reddish grandeur,
Tanto, que ao amo e a outras xentes
So much so that the master and other people
Molestou o seu primor
Were bothered by its beauty
No canto de con amor,
Instead of with love,
Ollábana con vaidade,
They looked at it with vanity,
E ante a fermosa humildade
And before the beautiful humility
Respostaron con temor
They responded with fear
Moitas flores do redor,
Many of the surrounding flowers,
De xardíns de alleas terras,
From gardens in foreign lands,
Aplaudiron moi contentas
Applauded with great joy
Cando o amo as recortou
When the master cut them back
A planta quedou sen flor
The plant was left without a flower
Pero aínda resistía,
But it still resisted,
Porque a raíz se nutría
For its roots nourished
Da terra que a enxendrou
The earth that had created it
A terra considerou
The earth considered
Que o seu froito era inocente,
That its fruit was innocent,
Que fora nobre e valente
That it had been noble and brave
E dela se preocupou
And it worried about it
A auga axiña chegou
The water quickly arrived
E o resto de compañeiras
And the rest of the companions
Acudíronlle lixeiras
Swiftly came to its aid
E calmaron a súa dor
And calmed its pain
Certo día aquel señor
One day that lord
Foi alabar a maceira
Went to praise the apple tree
E reparou na roseira
And noticed the rose bush
Que cortara con rancor
That he had cut with spite
Mil rosas con esplendor
A thousand splendid roses
Recendían maxestuosas
Flourished majestically
Unhas espiñas máis grosas
Thorns thicker than
Que as tesouras do señor
The lord's shears
Comprendiu o amo entón,
The master then understood,
O seu crime despiadado,
His heartless crime,
Caiu ao chan apenado
He fell to the ground in sorrow
E pola rosa chorou
And wept for the rose
Aquela primeira flor
That first flower
no recordo latexa
Only lives on in memory
Pero se a raíz é rexa
But if the root is strong
A planta non morre, non
The plant does not die, no

Writer(s): maria xose silvar fernández

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