Teddy Afro - Sew - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Teddy Afro - Sew

የደመቀው ጀንበር ይጠቁራል በክረምት
The shining rainbow glows in the rainy season
እድሜም በወቅት ያልቃል መውደድ በወረት
Time also glows in the good time and love in the bad times
እውነተኛ አፍቃሪ ማህተቡ ለፅድቅ
Real lover, his study is for justice
ሲኖር አብሮ በልቶ ሲቸገሩ አይርቅ
When living together, eating together, when they are in trouble, he does not run away
የበደል አበባ ያበቃላት ለቅሶ
The flower of deceit is widespread for the moment
ፍቅር ነኝ ትላለች ደግሞ በርሷም ብሶ
She says she is love, and she is lying too
ቢወሻሽ ነው እንጂ አንዱም ላይጎዳ
Even if you were to be mine, none of us would be hurt
ምን አሸዋወደ አራዳ ላራዳ
What has baffled from town to town
መሰን ተቃርቦ ተይቅር ሎቦ
Come closer, let's stand firm
ሲርቋት ተከታይ ሲላመዷት ባዳ
When she is following, and when she is leading me recklessly
አትዘልቅ ካንድ ቤት ሁለት ቢላ ለምዳ
Don't move from one house to another for a while
አመሏ አይታወቅ ፍዝ ያገነናት
Her mind is not known, the weed has suffocated her
እሳት ሲሏ ውሃ ማር ሲላት እሬት
When she says fire, I say water, when she says snake, I say frog
እንደሰማይ ጀንበር ሁሌ እየደመቀ
Like the rainbow, always shining
ተመልሶ አይወጣም እድሜም ከጠለቀ
It will not come back, even if age has passed
ዘመን እያባራ ሁሎ አይኖር ስቆ
Time is passing, none of us will stay forever
ውበትም ይመሻል ጊዜው ጠብቆ
Beauty also fades, waiting for time
ጀንበር ሲጠልቅ ሲሸሽ ሳቅ ሲተካው ለቅሶ
When the rainbow breaks and disappears, when the foot is broken and distorted
ያማረው ወራት አይገኝ መልሶ
That rested months will not be found again
መወደዷን አውቃ መልኳ ስላማረ
Knowing how to love, because her character is beautiful
እኮራለሁ ብላ ተረስታ ነበረ
I thought I would be alone, I was left alone
መሄድ መሄድ ያለ ውሎ አዳሩ ጀጅ
Going without going, the nature of hyena is evil
እንኳንስ ለወዳጅ ለራሱም አይበጅ
Even for a friend, do not flatter yourself
ያንጀት ወዳጅ መስሎ ትልቅ ጉድጓድ ምስ
That traitorous friend like a big pit, hyena
ንጉሥም ለብልሃት ያበላል ደግሶ
The king himself will eat wisdom carefully
መስቀል ሰላጢ ከመፅሐፍ ጠቅሳ
The cross of the thieves from the scriptures
እመነኝ አለችኝ ልትቀብረኝ ምሳ
She said to me that she trusts me to bury her, a joke
ተምራ ተክና ላሳር ለኩነኔ
Learn the skill for Lazarus, for the blind
ደቁና ስትመጣ ቄስ ሆንኩባት እኔ
When you come and priest me, I will be a priest
ጀንበር ሲጠልቅ ሲሸሽ ሳቅ ሲተካው ለቅሶ
When the rainbow breaks and disappears, when the foot is broken and distorted
ያማረው ወራት አይገኝ መልሶ
That rested months will not be found again
መወደዷን አውቃ መልኳ ስላማረ
Knowing how to love, because her character is beautiful
እኮራለሁ ብላ ተረስታ ነበረ
I thought I would be alone, I was left alone
እንደሰማይ ጀንበር ሁሌ እየደመቀ
Like the rainbow, always shining
ተመልሶ አይወጣም እድሜም ከጠለቀ
It will not come back, even if age has passed
ዘመን እያባራ ሁሎ አይኖር ስቆ
Time is passing, none of us will stay forever
ውበትም ይመሻል ወራትን ጠብቆ
Beauty also fades, waiting for months
መወሰንን ተቂርቦ ተይቅር ሎቦ
Let's take a closer look at the decision

Writer(s): Teddy Afro

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