Zeus - Pycha - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Zeus - Pycha

Razem z kumplami nagrywacie na jamniku track
Together with your buddies, you're laying down a track in the studio
To cos o zyciu, w sumie wiecie wszystko o tym
It's about life, basically you know everything about it
Dorosli by oddali wszystko za te pare zlotych
Adults would give up everything for a few bucks
Wy nie oddacie tej wolnosci za papier
You wouldn't trade this freedom for money
Tyczy sie codziennosci to i tu tak samo jest z rapem
Same goes for everyday life and rap
Kto sie sprzedaje, ten sie wita z koncem
He who sells out is on his way to the end
A ty prawdziwy zostajesz dopoki wschodzi slonce
And you stay true until the sun rises
Dzis gracie pierwszy koncert, ok, to spory test
Today you play your first gig, okay, it's a big test
Choc wygladacie groznie, was pozera stres
You look scary, but you're freaking out
Na scenie mylisz tekst, jak zreszta kazdy z kumpli
On stage, you mess up the lyrics, just like the rest of your buddies
Ktory wychylil fest z flaszki, co by sie rozluznic
Who took a swig from the bottle to loosen up
Lecz i tak nie ma tego zlego, drzecie japy na full
But still, no harm done, you're screaming your lungs out
Tylko tych ludzi pod scena to nie rusza ni chuj
Only the people under the stage, they don't give a damn
W sumie nie wiecie dlaczego, wiec publika to kicha
Actually, you don't know why, so the crowd sucks
Ale cie zzera pycha
But you're consumed by arrogance
Widze cie z nimi w tych klubach
I see you with them in these clubs
Z ciebie jest caly czas taka sama suka
You're still the same bitch
Zla i cwana dupa, wkrecasz teraz ich jak nas
A mean and cunning chick, you're fooling them now just like you did us
Pare lat wstecz, pare, pare lat
A few years ago, a few, a few years
Ktore to wasze demo? juz macie ich pare
Which demo is yours? You have a few now
Wiec mnie nie dziwi, jakie macie juz o sobie mniemanie
So I'm not surprised at the opinion you have of yourself
Wy, nawet kiedy nie gracie macie ta faze na walki
Even when you're not playing, you're all about the fights
I nawet czasem wpadacie i zabieracie majki
And sometimes you even crash in and grab the mics
Tamci sa tylko w tle, przy was
They're just in the background with you
Nawet jak zechca sprawdzic sie w rymach
Even if they want to test themselves in rhyme
To musza wiedziec, ze czasem krew sie na bitwach leje
They have to know that sometimes blood flows in battles
Kiedy wpadacie ty i twoi zlodzieje, tak tu sie dzieje
When you and your thieves crash in, that's what happens here
Zyjecie snem, jestescie gwiazdami
You live the dream, you are stars
Lecz zamiast Hennessy, leje sie Lech litrami
But instead of Hennessy, Lech flows in liters
Ale po co mi to?
But why do I need this?
Na co komu taki, co to robi po to, zeby tu miec tylko melanz?
Who needs someone who only does this to have a good time?
Wy i tak macie swoj swiat
You have your own world anyway
Na opadniecie tych klapek potrzeba paru lat
It will take a few years for those sandals to come off
Czuje sie, jakbym cie znal, dlatego tak tu wzdycham
I feel like I know you, that's why I sigh here
Brat, ale cie zzera pycha
Bro, you're consumed by arrogance
Widze cie z nimi w tych klubach
I see you with them in these clubs
Z ciebie jest caly czas taka sama suka
You're still the same bitch
Zla i cwana dupa, wkrecasz teraz ich jak nas
A mean and cunning chick, you're fooling them now just like you did us
Pare lat wstecz, pare, pare lat
A few years ago, a few, a few years
Minelo pare lat, dzis juz masz wydany pierwszy album
A few years have passed, today you have your first album out
Zmienila ci sie twarz, teraz sluchasz funku
Your face has changed, now you listen to funk
Czy cos zostalo po szczeniaku z tamtych pierwszych zwrotek
Is there anything left of the young pup from those first verses
Oprocz tych paru kiepskich fotek? badzmy szczerzy, ziomek
Apart from a few crappy photos? Let's be honest, dude
Ty ciagle w sobie to masz
You still have it in you
Kiedy ogladasz video, na ktorym koncert grasz
When you watch the video of you playing a concert
Jara cie fakt, ze ci ludzie robia halas dla ciebie
It makes you horny that these people make noise for you
Po paru latach zdaje sie to dawac efekt
After a few years, it seems to be having an effect
Cisnienie? Nie, juz nie ma cisnienia
Pressure? No, there's no pressure anymore
Czy czujesz presje? nie, juz nie grasz z podziemia
Do you feel the pressure? No, you don't play the underground anymore
Pompujesz tekst za tekstem w fanow
You keep pumping text after text into your fans
I sciagasz Nike ze Stanow
And you're getting Nikes from the States
Nagrywasz drugi album, jestes poziom wyzej
You're recording your second album, you're taking it up a notch
Nosisz sie lepiej niz najswiezszy ziom na rewirze
You're better dressed than the freshest dude on the beat
I jak cie widze, to mysle sobie tylko tak
And when I see you, I just think to myself
Kurwa mac, ty wygladasz, jak ja
Fuck man, you look just like me
Widze cie z nimi w tych klubach
I see you with them in these clubs
Z ciebie jest caly czas taka sama suka
You're still the same bitch
Zla i cwana dupa, wkrecasz teraz ich jak nas
A mean and cunning chick, you're fooling them now just like you did us
Pare lat wstecz, pare, pare lat
A few years ago, a few, a few years

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