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Hulu-Dane - Gigiперевод на английский

You Are Holy
️ሁሉ ዳነ
You Are Holy
አንተን ያመነ ሀሉ ዳነ
You are the one I trust, You are Holy
አንተን ያመነ ሁሉ ዳነ
I put my faith in You, You are Holy
እኔ አንተን አምኜ ምን ሁኜ
I put my faith in You, You are so trustworthy
አንተን አሞኜ ምን ሁኜ
I believe in You, You are so trustworthy
ቅዱስ ሀያል እግዚአብሔር ስሙ ይክበር ይመስገን
Holy, Powerful Lord God, Your name is praised and glorified
ከጨለማው አውጥቶ ወደ ብርሃን የመራን
You brought us out of darkness into the light
ከሰማይዋዊው ሰማይ በክብር ይመጣል ጌታ
From the heavenly heavens, the Lord will come in glory
በመላእክት ታጅቦ በሙዚቃ በእልልታ
Surrounded by angels, with music and jubilation
አንተን ያመነ ሀሉ ዳነ
You are the one I trust, You are Holy
አንተን ያመነ ሁሉ ዳነ
I put my faith in You, You are Holy
እኔ አንተን አምኜ ምን ሁኜ
I put my faith in You, You are so trustworthy
አንተን አሞኜ ምን ሁኜ
I believe in You, You are so trustworthy
እናታለም ደግሽ የልጅሽ ሰርግ ደረሰ
Mother Mary, we are happy for your Son's glory
ሞትን ሲኦልን በጣጥሶ እየሱስ ክርስቶስ ነገስ
Defeating death and hell, Jesus Christ reigns
ኤደን ገነት እልል በይ እናታለም እልል በይ
The Garden of Eden is a wonderful place, Mother Mary, it is a wonderful place
አባታችን ቤት ሰራልን ከመንግስታት ሰማይ
Our Father has built us a home in the heavenly kingdom
አንተን ያመነ ሀሉ ዳነ
You are the one I trust, You are Holy
አንተን ያመነ ሁሉ ዳነ
I put my faith in You, You are Holy
እኔ አንተን አምኜ ምን ሁኜ
I put my faith in You, You are so trustworthy
አንተን አሞኜ ምን ሁኜ
I believe in You, You are so trustworthy
በጨለማ በድቅድቅ በሲኦል የተዘጉትን
In the darkness, in the sorrow, in the hell that was built
እየነዳ አወጣቸው ወደ ብርሀን ልጆቹን
You brought them out of their misery, you brought your children into the light
ይወደናል አምላካችን ይቅር ባይ ነው የኛ ጌታ
We love our God, He is a precious treasure, our Lord
ምህረት ፍቅሩ ለዘለዓለም ክንዱ ለእውነት የበረታ
His mercy and love are eternal, His Spirit is the true comfort
ሁሉን አጋዥ ሁሉን ጧሪ የሁሉ አባት መካሪ
To all the needy, to all the weary, to all the Father, the Comforter
ባልሽ ምትክ የለውም ፅዬን ብርሀንሽን አብሪ
Your husband is blameless, Zion, your light is with you
በእንቁ በአልማዝ ተሸለሚ ቅድስት እየሩሳሌም
Adorned with gold and diamonds, holy Jerusalem
እናታችን ደስታችን ለዘለዓለም አለም
Our Mother, our joy, for all eternity
አንተን ያመነ ሀሉ ዳነ
You are the one I trust, You are Holy
አንተን ያመነ ሁሉ ዳነ
I put my faith in You, You are Holy
እኔ አንተን አምኜ ምን ሁኜ
I put my faith in You, You are so trustworthy
አንተን አሞኜ ምን ሁኜ
I believe in You, You are so trustworthy

Авторы: Ejigayehu Shibabaw

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