1 Hello Mother Hello Father, Take Me Home
2 Downtown Crazy Downtown (That's Where You Are You Finks)
3 All You Really Need Is Skin (You Got to Have Heart)
4 Chim Chim Cheree Chim Chim Cher-ee (Chim Chimney, Chim Chiminey, Chim Chim Cheree)
5 On the First Day of Christmas (Funny Christmas Song)
6 Somewhere
7 Harvey and Sheila (Marry in the Spring, Choose a Wedding Ring)
8 Mexican Hat Dance (And They Start Doing Horas and Taps)
9 You Went the Wrong Way Old King Louie (Louis the 16th Was the King of France)
10 Pop Hates the Beatles (I Hate The Beatles)
11 Glory Glory Harry Lewis (A Great Man of the Cloth)
12 My Son the Vampire Says Blah Blah Blah
13 Sarah Jackman Sara Jockman (Freres Jacques)
14 One Hippopotami (Is Two Hippopotamuses)
15 Zelda Zelda, My Zelda
16 Rat Fink Ratfink Ratt Fink Rattfink
17 Dodging the Draft (The Draft Dodger Song)
18 The Christmas Song for the Sixties (Draft Cards Burning on An Open Fire)
19 Shticks and Stones (Several Short Songs)
20 Hello Mother Hello Father, I Am Back at Camp Granada I Am Back at Camp Granada
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