Andriëtte - Ons - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Andriëtte - Ons

Leer my hoe om lief te
Teach me how to love
Water woorde om te
Water the words I say
Om die stiltes tussen ons net te waardeer
To just appreciate the silences between us
Leer my dinge oor myself
Teach me things about myself
Laat my sien dat ek die helfte is
Let me see that I am half
Van iets wat amper nooit vir mens gebeur
Of something that almost never happens to people
So luister my belofte aan jou
So listen to my promise to you
Glo dat al my liefde van nou
Trust that all my love from now
Tot ewigheid in jou behoort
To eternity belongs to you
Uit die diepte van my hart
From the depths of my heart
Belowe ek vir jou n kant
I promise you a side
Daar waarheid is in elke liewe woord
Where there is truth in every dear word
Wil nie ooit sonder jou wees
I never want to be without you
Verlief op jou siel en jou gees
In love with your soul and your spirit
Glo my as ek vir jou dat ek net vir jou wil
Believe me when I say that I only want you
Kannie sonder jou bestaan
Can't exist without you
Ek wil die lewe saam met jou ingaan
I want to enter life with you
Ware liefde is seker
True love is certain
En niks dit beter as ons
And nothing says it better than us
Vertel my alteid hoe jy voel
Always tell me how you feel
Jy verstaan wat ek bedoel
You understand what I mean
As ek in woorde nie kan wat ek wil
When I can't say in words what I want to say
Al die sleg maak jy net beter
You just make all the bad better
Met n soen maak jy my seker
With a kiss, you make me certain
Dat daar niemand anders is wie ek wil
That there is no one else I want
So pleister my belofte aan jou
So put a plaster on my promise to you
Glo dat al my liefde van nou
Trust that all my love from now
Tot ewigheid aan jou behoort.
To eternity belongs to you.
Van uit die diepte van my hart
From the depths of my heart
Belowe ek vir jou n kant
I promise you a side
Daar waarheid is in elke woord
Where there is truth in every word
Wil nie ooit sonder jou wees
I never want to be without you
Verlief op jou siel en jou gees
In love with your soul and your spirit
Glo my as ek vir jou dat ek net vir jou wil
Believe me when I say that I only want you
Kannie sonder jou bestaan
Can't exist without you
Ek wil die lewe saam met jou ingaan
I want to enter life with you
Ware liefde is seker
True love is certain
En niks dit beter as ons
And nothing says it better than us
Niks dit beter as ek en jy
Nothing says it better than you and me
My lewens droom het ek in jou gekry
I found the dream of my life in you

Авторы: Johan Oberholzer

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