Christopher Tin - Haktan Gelen Şerbati - "The Drink from God" текст песни

Текст песни Haktan Gelen Şerbati - "The Drink from God" - Christopher Tin

Haktan Gelen Şerbeti
"The Drink from God"
(Inspired by water)
Sung in Turkish
Adapted from a poem by Yunus Emre
Performed by Kardeş Türküler
With the Angel City Chorale, Jamie Papish & the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Haktan gelen şerbeti içtik elhamdülillah
Şol kudret denizini geçtik elhamdülillah
Kuru idik yaş olduk ayak idik baş olduk
Kanatlandık kuş olduk uçtuk elhamdülillah
Şol karşıki dağları meşeleri bağları
Sağlık sefalık ile geçtik elhamdülillah
Vardığımız illere şol sefa gönüllere
Baba Tapduk ma′nisin saçtık elhamdülillah
The drink sent down from Truth, we drank it, glory be to God.
And we sailed over the Ocean of Power,
Glory be to God
We were dry, but we moistened. We became feet we became the head
We grew wings and became birds, and flew, glory be to God.
Beyond those hills and oak woods, beyond those vine-yards and gardens,
We passed in health and joy, glory be to God.
To whatever lands we came, in whatever hearts, in all humanity,
We planted the meanings Taptuk taught us, glory be to God.
(Translation by Kabir Helminski)


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