Clara Peya feat. Judit Neddermann & Ferran Savall - L'estadista - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Clara Peya feat. Judit Neddermann & Ferran Savall - L'estadista

The Politician
Hi ha cent trenta passes mida estàndard
There are one hundred and thirty steps, standard size
De la porta del meu pis al teu
From the door of my flat to yours
N′hi ha cent trenta-nou si vaig descalça
There are a hundred and thirty-nine if I go barefoot
I tinc l'ànima que em toca els peus
And I have the soul that touches my feet
Hi ha setze faroles de les velles que il·luminen
There are sixteen old-fashioned streetlamps that light
Molt millor que les vuitanta que han posat fa poc.
Much better than the eighty they put up recently.
Hi una fleca on fan el pa tan bo que vam menjar a aquell restaurant
There is a bakery where they make bread so good we ate at that restaurant
On em vas dir que no sóc el que estàs buscant
Where you told me that I'm not the one you're looking for
I ara que has marxat
And now that you've gone
Faig estadístiques dels dies i les hores i les possibilitats
I make statistics on the days and the hours and the possibilities
Però has marxat
But you're gone
I jo m′he quedat aquí comptant les hores
And I've stayed here counting the hours
Hi ha una fusteria per on passes els dimecres a les nou i vint
There is a carpentry where you pass by on Wednesdays at nine twenty
És on vam comprar aquella cadira que està freda des que no ets aquí
That's where we bought that chair that has been cold since you're not here
Hi ha la llibreria on et vaig comprar un poemari que
There is the bookstore where I bought you a book of poems that
Has deixat fent companyia (?) a vuit de cada nit (?)
You left lying with (?) at eight o'clock every night (?)
Aquell llibre d'un poema o la fotocòpia del regust
That book of a poem or the photocopy of the aftertaste
Que m'has deixat des de que som units amb blanc. (?)
That you left me with since we've been together with white. (?)
Però ara que has marxat
But now that you've gone
Faig estadístiques dels dies i les hores i les possibilitats
I make statistics on the days and the hours and the possibilities
Però has marxat
But you're gone
I jo m′he quedat aquí comptant les hores
And I've stayed here counting the hours

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