Clara Peya feat. Judit Neddermann - Ballarina - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Clara Peya feat. Judit Neddermann - Ballarina

Et mous
You move
La música t′abraça mentre et mous
The music embraces you as you move
La pell mai no et limita si és sincer en cada segon
Your skin never limits you if it is sincere in every second
El moviment que el cos proposa quan et mous
The movement that the body proposes when you move
Les mans ploren i riuen mentre et mous
Your hands weep and laugh as you move
I els ulls se't debiliten i il·luminen més que un far
And your eyes weaken and light up more than a beacon
Salves les ànimes que s′han perdut pel mar
You save the souls that are lost at sea
Vull ser ballarina com tu
I want to be a dancer like you
La dansa que em proposis m'agradarà segur
I'm sure I'll like any dance you suggest
Vull ser ballarina per entendre com et sents
I want to be a dancer to understand how you feel
Quan estàs trista i no ho expliques a la gent
When you're sad and you don't tell anyone
Et mous
You move
I estàs tan poderosa en moviment
And you are so powerful in motion
Atrapes tots els somnis dels qui et senten bategar
You catch all the dreams of those who hear you beat
I els hi tornen plens de vida quan et mous
And return them full of life when you move
Onades que són plenes de secrets
Waves that are full of secrets
Que amagues a la llengua però que expliques devorant
That you hide in the language but that you explain by devouring
Cada segon que et mous i no puc respirar
Every second that you move and I can't breathe
Vull ser ballarina com tu
I want to be a dancer like you
La dansa que em proposis m'agradarà segur
I'm sure I'll like any dance you suggest
Vull ser ballarina per entendre com et sents
I want to be a dancer to understand how you feel
Quan estàs trista i no ho expliques a la gent
When you're sad and you don't tell anyone
Et doblegues
You bend
You wrinkle
Et remous
You stir
You drag yourself
No et qüestiones quan et mous
You don't question yourself when you move
Tu dibuixes el que sona dintre meu
You draw what sounds within me
Em dónes forma dilatant la meva veu
You give me shape by expanding my voice
Et cremes, bufes propagant el foc
You burn, you blow fanning the fire
Ets flama que es revifa en tot el cos
You are a flame that revives in your whole body
Em trenques, em fas enamorar
You break me, you make me fall in love
Camins que es descobreixen al ballar
Paths that are discovered in dance
Camins que es descobreixen al ballar
Paths that are discovered in dance
Vull ser ballarina com tu
I want to be a dancer like you
La dansa que em proposis, m'agradarà segur
I'm sure I'll like any dance you suggest
Vull ser ballarina per entendre com et sents
I want to be a dancer to understand how you feel
Quan estàs trista i no ho expliques a la gent
When you're sad and you don't tell anyone

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