FTISLAND - Friendship - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский FTISLAND - Friendship

Stand up! さお歌おう / 起立! 放聲歌唱吧
Stand up! Let's sing it loud / Stand up! Let's sing it loud
永遠に誓う / 立下永久的誓言
Make an eternal vow / Make an eternal vow
喜びも 苦しみも / 快樂悲傷
Joy and sorrow / Joy and sorrow
分かち合って / 我們一起分擔
We share it together / We share it together
ほらいっただろう / 已經什麼時候了
As I always told you / As I always told you
一人で殻の中にいても / 一個在殼中
Even when you're alone in your shell / Even when you're alone in your shell
誰も気づかない / 誰也沒有發現
No one notices / No one notices
流した熱い涙に / 正在流淌的熱淚
As tears flow / As tears flow
No No 退屈な / 不要退縮
No No Don't give up / Don't give up
No No 生活抜け出して / 從生活中脫身
No No Break free from life / Break free from life
僕たちだけのハ―モニ―を奏でよう / 來演奏我們的曲調
Let's play our own harmony / Let's play our own harmony
Go Ahead 雨の中も / 在雨中前進
Go Ahead In the rain / In the rain
光目指し歩いて行く / 向著光前進
Let's walk towards the light / Let's walk towards the light
あの時の約束を / 那時的約定
The promise we made back then / The promise we made back then
共にかなえよう / 一起實現吧
Fulfill it together / Fulfill it together
Stand up!さお歌おう / 起立! 放聲歌唱吧
Stand up! Let's sing it loud / Stand up! Let's sing it loud
永遠に誓う / 立下永久的誓言
Make an eternal vow / Make an eternal vow
喜びも 苦しみも / 快樂悲傷
Joy and sorrow / Joy and sorrow
分かち合って / 我們一起分擔
We share it together / We share it together
いつも一緒だよ / 一直在一起
We're always together / We're always together
不安な夜も眠い朝も / 不安的夜晚 無眠的早報
On restless nights and sleepy mornings / On restless nights and sleepy mornings
偶然の出會いが / 偶然的相遇
Our chance encounter / Our chance encounter
今では必然の仲間 / 現在是注定的朋友
Now an unbreakable bond / Now an unbreakable bond
No No 深刻な / 深刻的
No No Serious / Serious
No No 顔はもうやめて /要再面向我
No No Don't hide your face anymore / Don't hide your face anymore
たのしいこと / 高興的事情
Happy things / Happy things
一緒に探しに行こう / 一起去尋找吧
Let's find them together / Let's find them together
La La La
La La La
君の聲を 大きく響かせてよ / 請你放聲呐喊吧
Let your voice be loud and clear / Let your voice be loud and clear
僕達のこれからを 切り開くために / 為了開鑿我們的今後
To pave our way forward / To pave our way forward
Fly Away
Fly Away
青い空を / 藍色的天空
Through the blue sky / Through the blue sky
どこまでも羽ばたこう / 無論到哪裡都揮動翅膀
Let's fly as far as we can / Let's fly as far as we can
幸せも悲しみも / 幸福悲傷
Happiness and sadness / Happiness and sadness
溶け合わせて / 都融合了
Blend them together / Blend them together
La La La
La La La
君の聲を 大きく響かせてよ / 請你放聲呐喊吧
Let your voice be loud and clear / Let your voice be loud and clear
僕達のこれからを 切り開くために / 為了開鑿我們的今後
To pave our way forward / To pave our way forward
Fly Away
Fly Away
青い空を / 藍色的天空
Through the blue sky / Through the blue sky
どこまでも羽ばたこう / 無論到哪裡都揮動翅膀
Let's fly as far as we can / Let's fly as far as we can
幸せも悲しみも / 幸福悲傷
Happiness and sadness / Happiness and sadness
溶け合わせて / 都融合了
Blend them together / Blend them together
Straight up!
Straight up!
さお歌おう / 放聲歌唱吧
Let's sing it loud / Let's sing it loud
永遠に繋ぐ / 永遠連繫
Bind forever / Bind forever
僕達は走って行く / 我們一起前進吧
We'll keep moving forward / We'll keep moving forward
その向こうへ / 通向那兒
To the other side / To the other side

Авторы: 知野 芳彦, 知野 芳彦

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